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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Returning to work

Got up, got dressed. Made Gabriel a bottle and made my coffee and headed out to work. There was little to no traffic and I got here about 10 minutes earlier. I came up stairs and checked emails. Mostly they were about a needed password change. My supervisor is not here. So today, since it is slow is a free day. Today I've been waiting to see if anyone needed any help on cases. Only one taker.

Had left over pasta from last night and watched some more Married with Children. Now I am watching Netflix 'Don't F**k with cats'. Running out the clock and waiting to go home. Cannot wait to get out of here for the day. Drove home and chilled for a bit.

We went to serramonte for a bit. Saw Arnel, Priscilla and Allix at Target. Got back home my wife bathed the boys, I dressed Gabriel and tried to put him to sleep. Showered, finished laundry and now going to bed.

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Got up, watched a bit of TV. We cleaned up and showered and got ready to go.

It started to rain so we went to Tanforan instead of serramonte due to covered area. We ate some Panda Express and did a little more shopping. Came home and I finished up the Christmas cards for my nephews. Now waiting for game time.

The game was awesome. It was again a close game. The type of game that takes a toll on your health. The Niners won 26-21 and are the #1 seed and have a bye week. 
After I washed dishes and put Gabriel to bed. Showered and out Javi to bed. Now watching tv, might play Madden 

Saturday, December 28, 2019


Got up, started to clean under the bed and vaccum the carpet. My wife cleaned the kitchen. I unpacked my suitcase and carry on. We cleaned up some more and started to get ready.

We went to have lunch at Chili's and then went over to my sister's place. We left the boys with my mom and went to Target and Costco. We dropped off the items we bought at home and went to 7-11 and to Starbucks. 

Got to my sister's place and picked up the boys. Came home and more cleaning and now hanging out. Helped Javi build his lego set and now about to play Madden before bed. Tomorrow the Niners are in Seattle. I predict a clear victory for my team. Niners all the way

Friday, December 27, 2019

going home

Gabriel had a much better night. We got up, watched the last episode of the Mandalorian.  Had coffee, we all showered and started to pack. 

Went out to get some lunch and diapers. Went back to the house to finish packing and headed out to the airport. We returned the rental and went through security and waited to get on the flight. 

The flight felt like it was taking forever. The baggage took forever, we finally got home. Changed the sheets and the boys opened up their Christmas gifts and now I am going to shower and go to bed. So happy to be home

Thursday, December 26, 2019

the day after Christmas

Got up, had a not great night. Gabriel threw up and I had to change him at around 6 am. When i got up I showed and got ready to go to Miami Beach 

We got to Miami Beach and parked, walked over and played in the sand and water. We went to CVS and picked up some carne asada and came back to the house.
I ate and eventually took a nap.

Hanging out. Watched some tv. When I went to wash the bottles, Gabriel started coughing and threw up again. My wife went to change him, while we cleaned up and now downstairs again, he is sleeping on the couch and I may stay down here as well.
He woke up and I brought him upstairs. Now hanging out watching Married with Children and about to go to bed.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Got up, Gabriel was still sleeping. After a bit he work up. Came down to eat a nacatamale for breakfast with coffee. Now hanging out.

We did basically nothing for a few hours. Got ready. Took the kids to the park, it started to rain so we came back in. We then got ready to go to Pinecrest Gardens for a quick look at the Christmas lights.

Nighttime :
Came back home and hung out a bit. Watched some NXT and carved up the remaining ham to put away. Now off to bed. Last full day here is tomorrow. Have a lot to do and some packing.

Christmas eve

Got up, Gabriel was still sleeping so I let him chill. Changed him and I took a shower. Had coffee and breakfast. Cooked the books and sent out payments. Now hanging out for a bit while my wife and her sister go get their nails done.

Made spaghetti and meatballs for the kids. My wife came back and we started to prepare the ham. Now we are going to the park. Got back and hung out. Took my wife,  sister in law and Gabriel out for a drive.

Got home, hung out for a bit. Waiting for dinner. Watching some Disney cartoons. We all put on the Christmas PJs we bought and took pictures. After we ate ham, stuffed chicken,  mashed potatoes,  rice, salad and rolls. 
The boys opened up their presents and they are playing with them right now. We stayed up until midnight and now off to bed.

Monday, December 23, 2019


Got up, had breakfast and showered. Helped Javi shower and get ready. Got Gabriel ready and we were off to the Dolphin Mall.

Did a loop around the mall. Only looking, no purchasing. We had lunch and walked around some more. We decided to come back to the house. Gabriel is napping and Javi is at the park with my wife.

We went out to watch Star Wars episode IX Rise of Skywalker.  I really enjoyed it. After we came back home and hung out. Now, going to bed.


Got up a few times during the night to use the bathroom. That game did a number on me. Lol. Anyway, Gabriel got up, he had peed through his diaper and I had to change him. He went downstairs with my wife, about to get out of bed and join them.
Had breakfast and showered and we were off to downtown Miami.

We went to the Frost Science museum and it was fun. Gabriel was a handful and crazy. We did not of things and we just got back to the house. Gabriel fell back asleep,  I watched the rest of SNL and some football. 

Talked to my mom for a bit and now watching Married with Children. Went downstairs to have dinner and some cookies. Watched more Married with Children and played solitaire. I came up to bathe Gabriel and get him in his pjs. Hung out some more and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. It's not going well so far.
It took some time, but he went asleep. I watched some more shows and went to bed 

Saturday, December 21, 2019


Got up, showered and got dressed. Representing the Niners today. Got dressed and we headed out to the place.

We walked around Bayside and went on a pirate boat trip to see the houses of the celebrities. It was fun, after we ate and drove around Miami beach and drove back to the house.

Game time. Niners not starting out so hot. Down 14-3 early in the 2nd quarter. Need some life here. While watching the game I was able to change Gabriel and put him to sleep. It was a really good game, the tension made my stomach hurt a bit. But the Niners won 34-31.
Now watching a little bit of SNL to calm it down to go to bed.

Friday, December 20, 2019

ROS day

Got up, had breakfast,  helped both kids bathe and I showered. Now waiting for time to go have lunch. 

Still haven't left. Talked to my mom for a bit. Hungry, hopefully we leave soon. We had an good lunch. The roadways out here are ass. Anyway, after we went to Target to get a few things for the remainder of the trip and came home.

My wife and her sister went out to get groceries. I stayed here with the boys. Now we are waiting to eat something.  No Star Wars movie for us no one could watch Javi and Gabriel. Had a few beers tried to play Go Fish with Javi and my nephew. It was like trying to play with stray cats.
Changed Gabriel and put him to bed, now going to sleep. Tomorrow 49ers try to #BeatLA

Thursday, December 19, 2019

going on a trip

We boarded the plane and it was delayed a bit. The flight was close to 5 hours Gabriel slept for the most part. I was able to watch The Last Black Man in San Francisco. We got to the airport and got our luggage and headed to get the rental.
We drove to my sister in laws place and now we are about to go have lunch. 

We had lunch af this Nicaraguan place. And now we are back, about to nap. Took a strange nap because Gabriel wanted to stay with me, go down stairs and I was like, whatever I'm out.
Now hanging out here while my wife and her sister get coffee.
Had the coffee and watched the Mandalorian. Gabriel fell asleep, this time change got him.

Waiting for delivery notifications to ask my mom to get my packages. Well looks like only one may come tonight. No dinner, asked to see if there was anything to snack on, I was told yes, but nada. Anyway, going to bed

last day before vacation

Got up, got dressed. Made a bottle for Gabriel. Waiting for time to take Javi to school and see him perform. After heading over to work. Helped get the kids ready and headed out to drop Javi off. We parked and walked to school, I took him to his class and dropped off the canned food donations. 
Walked over to the cafeteria to wait for the performance.
Javi did an awesome job, he was on point. I recorded him and stayed a bit after he left. I drove to work in traffic and made it just in time for the weekly forum. It was interesting to say the least.
There were some jokes attempted and they missed. At the end it seemed like on of the specialist supervisors got upset and left. Anyway, after I went to my desk to check emails and submit my time sheet.

Ate the left overs from yesterday. Watched some Married With Children and now waiting to go home. My Mom texted me to tell me that my sister was out of surgery and that she was OK. So, that is a good thing. 
After work went to grab some dinner and headed home.

Had dinner, showered and waited for time to go to the airport. We got dropped off and soon we will be boarding. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

out of commission

Got up and was not feeling well. Dropped the kids off and now getting some rest. Need to be able to go to work tomorrow. Slept for a good time, needed that. 

Had lunch and went back to nap. So tired. Woke up, used the bathroom, right back to sleep. When I finally got up, we packed the kids clothes and now we are going to go drop off some items to donate and go get the kids. 

Went to my sister's house. My Mom, Brother, Nieces, and my brother's girlfriend were there. We talked for a bit, it's probably the last time I see them before our trip and before my sister's surgery. 
After put gas in the truck and headed home.
Tried to put Gabriel to bed but since he had napped it was hard to do. My wife took him to sleep, I played Madden and now going to bed myself.

Monday, December 16, 2019

training day

Got up, got ready and headed out. There was a lot of traffic, but I got here on time. Came up to get the training materials ready for the team. We go tomorrow. Not feeling too well, but we will get through it. Making copies now for the rest of the day and tomorrow. 
Went to the 2nd training just to see how it was. Tomorrow me and Karla will have our run. I have a bit of a headache and slight Vertigo symptoms. Going to need some rest.

Had lunch and about to see if I go grab some coffee or make myself some tea. Not feeling well. I've sitting here trying to get the room to stop spinning. Hopefully everything will be better by the time I leave so I can drive home. We have some things to do tonight. Took some Dramamine and now waiting for it to take effect. Watching some Married with Children before going home. 
Drove home and picked up my wife. Went to get the kids and after to Target to get some items for the trip.

Picked up some sushi and came home. Started laundry. Bathed the boys and put Gabriel to bed. After I took an shower. I helped Javi got to bed and now watched tv before bed. Not feeling to well still, it will be a game time decision tomorrow regarding going to work.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

game day

Morning :
Got up, made coffee and made Gabriel some eggs. Did some cleaning and started watching football. Pretty much chilled and then showered. 

Watched the 49ers game. A game they should have won, but didn't. Then I watched the WWE TLC PPV. It was ok.

Started packing, about to try and get Gabriel to sleep,  then shower and watch some tv. You know I will say this that today was not an good day. The Niners lost, but check time. They need to not lose again period. But the Diamondbacks signed Madison Bumgarner and that really pissed me off that the Giants didn't sign him. I am not happy with the direction the Giants are going in. Going to bed now 


Got up and went to make breakfast. I was going to make pancakes but Javi started running his mouth about how I better not make eggs and that he wasn't going to eat eggs. So I called the audible and made them eggs and the bith ate them. 
Watched the Mandalorian episode 6 and got ready. Got ready and now heading out to get the boys hair cuts.
Got the haircuts and off to get my mom and Myrna. 

Afternoon :
I got the tickets for Jumanji: the next level for 2 pm. We had lunch and we took the kids to the imagination play place. My wife and I went to the movies, my mom stayed with the kids. The movie was funny, dragged at times, but I liked it. After we went to Target and went to take Myrna home, then dropped my mom off. The boys fell asleep so we came home. 

We went to see some Christmas lights and to get donuts. We came home and have been hanging out. Had some wine and watched some tv. Right now putting Gabriel to bed. He didn't go to sleep, so I turned off the lights and left, he went to sleep soon after. Watched tv and now going to bed

Friday, December 13, 2019

Dad's Birthday

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry. It's my Dad's birthday today,  going to have a good day for him. Got to work and still waiting for the documents to be ready. Pretty soon will be heading out to meet Tim and Kathleen for lunch.

I walked over to meet them at the Catshead BBQ spot. It was good. We had a good time. After I went back to work and we had one final meeting before printing our materials. Well it's a cluster f**k for sure. Let's see what happens on Monday. 
I went to pick up Javi, we went to Trader Joe's and got some things. He wanted to get my Dad a cake for his Birthday. So we did that. I came home to make dinner.

I made pasta with alfredo sauce and shrimp. We ate, I folded the laundry,  had cake, showered and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. Took a long time to get him down, but he did, I came out and got Javi ready for bed and watched some tv. Now going to sleep

I miss you Dad

It's been around 8 months now, it hasn't gotten any easier, the pain, sadness and anger is still there. But we find a way to adjust. Today would have been my Dad's 74th birthday. I don't know how the day will go, but I do know that my Dad's memory will be with me. Since that time that my Dad passed away, I have had only a handful of times that he has visited me in my dreams.
But I see and feel my Dad around me more often than not. There are times that I see him in the way my kids act, the way I act and I remember good times that make us laugh out loud when out doing everyday activities.

Since I returned to work after my Dad's passing, I carry his Firefighter ID badge, alongside my work badge, so he can be close. I still miss our quick phone calls and I miss hearing him say "Si, todo bien" whenever I asked him how he was doing.

When going through a loss like this, it opens up your eyes to things and makes you see that a lot of things are not worth the energy spent on them. I really try hard to not let a lot of things get to me and to stay with me so I can free myself from negative energy. I try to understand things more and try to see things from other angles. It's a process for sure. But we'll get there.

Some days it's harder than others, but I know my Dad is with us. As long as I remember him, he will never truly be gone. He helped shape me and was a great man. He did his absolute best as a father, sacrificed and worked hard for us. I am truly thankful, I can never repay that to him, I try to pass it on to Javi and Gabriel. 

One of the things that I always wanted to do was to name one of my kids after him. Although Javi's name is not exactly as my Dads. They share the first initial (J), middle (Heliodoro) and last name (Narvaez) it was for him, it was to show him that I really appreciated all he did for me, for us and that his sacrifices were noticed. He was amazing and I miss and love him every day. 


Gabriel had a bad night again. He is still sick. I got up, go dressed and headed to work. Work was fine, I had a conference call, then I had to not do that and get pulled to a meeting. 

Had lunch and napped hard. Got up and went to a meeting regarding the training. We got sent home early, that was cool. Got home and washed dishes and went out to pick up dinner.

Had dinner and got the kids ready for bed. I put Gabriel to bed, but then he threw up again. After some time helped Javi with his creams, I showered and went to watch tv. After some time, went to bed.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

middle of the week

Got up, so so so tired. Anyway, made Gabriel a bottle, went to go get ready and headed out to work. There was a bit of traffic. I got in at 7:40. Checked emails and now just waiting to go to the combined forum at 170 Otis.
So I get to the place and meet up with Amilcar and we sit together. We went through the meeting and I was pulled to go help bring the food in. After the meeting we ate pot luck style. They wanted me to wait for one of the big wigs, but I was like, um no thank you.

Went to my desk, napped and watched some Married with Children. At 2 we met to go over the training materials and there was a lot missing from them. Hopefully they can update it and it will be ready for us. After I came home to take out the trash and clean up before going to get Gabriel. 

We went to Target to get some items and also to get the canned food donations for Javi's school. We went to pick up Gabriel and came home. We had dinner and i put Gabriel to bed,  he did wake up and threw up. But I caught most of it and cleaned it quick. About to shower. Gabriel threw up again and now my wife is trying to get him back to sleep. About to go in there

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and went to get dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out to work. There was some traffic, but not too much. I got up and checked my email and spent the time getting ready for the meeting. We had the meeting regarding the E2E RRR process for 1235. We went over the material and decided on dates and training teams. We are getting some OT to get this done since there is not a lot of time left for us to get this done. I think one of the girls is going to call out sick on Monday so we will all have to be ready.

Had lunch and watched some Married with Children. Called AAA to confirm the offer of a free car seat rental for our car rental next week. Have to go home to fold laundry and see what happens next. Also need to go get some cash out.

Got home, folded clothes. Went to pick up some pizza and came home to have dinner. Tried putting Gabriel to bed, took a bit, Javi came in and I took off, went to shower. Watched a bit of tv with my wife and she went to bed, now finishing up watching my shows before bed.


Got up, got dressed,  made my coffee, heated up some water for my wife to make hers. I packed up Gabriel's gift and headed out. There was a little bit of traffic but not a lot. Got in and checked emails, there is a new update to the training we will be doing next week. My supervisor said they want us to do a power point, I don't agree. Anyway, going to cook the books and read up on the End 2 end RRR process. 
Been reading this long document and it's straight forward, can be taught just by having the room read it.

Had lunch, watched some Married with Children and now hanging out. Running out the clock. Tired, I may get a coffee or just wait it out. Drank lots of water so far, I have been peeing a lot. After here I have to go pickup Gabriel's Christmas gift and get the boys.
Got home, washed dishes and we headed out to get night diapers and Gabriel's gift. After we went to get them at my sister's. 

We picked up some Chinese food and came home to eat dinner. I started laundry and cleaned up a bit. Showered, put Gabriel to bed and now watching RAW. After wrestling I watched some other things and went to bed.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

another big game

Got up, made breakfast for the boys, cleaned the bathroom and waited for kick off. It's another big game for the Niners. They take on the Saints. It was a great back and forth game. Very intense. At half time, I changed the boys, put Javi's creams on and started to chop some items for my wife so she can make lunch.

Lunch was good, the game went down to the wire. I played Uno with Javi during the game, the Niners won with a walk off field goal. They are now 11-2. After I put Gabriel down for a nap. When he woke up, he went to the living room and fell asleep again. I woke him up and we played. Around 6:30 I took the boys with me to go grab dinner, happy meals for them, chalupas for us. 

Dinner was good, I bathed the boys and now trying to get Gabriel to bed. Holy heck that did not go well. He did not want to sleep. Javi came in the room to go to bed, I had enough,  I left them to try and sleep. Now watching tv before bed. Work tomorrow.


Got up, got things out of the car and made coffee. Made Gabriel some eggs and changed his diaper. Watching Fuller House. 
We took a break from watching  the show and cleaned up. The house is still cluttered so it doesn't look like we did much. But anyway we go on.

Got ready and took a nap. Around 5:20 we left to.go pick up my mom and aunt Myriam to meet my sister for my Mom's early birthday dinner.
We went to the Geneva steakhouse and the food was good. After we dropped them off at home and went to Target. 

Got our things and headed home. Been drinking some Jack and Coke. Took Andrew shots in my Dad's memory. His Birthday is on Friday, so, yeah this week may be heavy. Anyway, putting the kids to bed now. 
Went out and finished Fuller house. Gabriel walked out and eventually went to sleep. Played Madden and now if to bed

Friday, December 6, 2019

last day of training

Got up, got dressed and put clothes to dry. Went to work and got there pretty quick. Got ready for training and it went ok. After I went to talk to my supervisor about it and chilled until lunch.

Afternoon :
Had lunch, watched Married with Children and waited for the 2md training. It was ok, after I came home. When I got home I folded clothes and started getting ready to meet everyone for our night out.

Had a great dinner at Moonstar. It was great. After we went to Amilcar and Olga's place to exchange gifts
 It was a fun night, now came home, showered and now going to ced.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Got up, got dressed. Gabriel had a bad night, he threw up phlegm and milk and ee had to change the bed sheets. More laundry to do now. After I got ready I headed out to work. There was traffic and it slowed me down a bit. But I am here. It's going good so far.
Found out that we had a meeting at 1440.

Moved the car and walked over to 1440. I went around and handed out some Christmas cards and chocolates. Hung out in the lobby with Rudy and Amilcar. Went to Costco and came back for our meeting. After I came home to get my wife before going to get the kids.
We went to pick up the kids and took off.

We went to the dollar tree to get a gift bag. Came home, had dinner and watched tv. Lut Gabriel to bed and watched a show with my wife. Played Madden and now going to bed. Training day tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

middle of the week

Got up early, got ready and waited to see if the kids would wake up on time. They didn't so I woke up Javi and Gabriel. Helped Javi with his dreams and gave Gabriel a bottle. I took Javi to school, reminded him to have a good day, to be a good person and to learn and ofcourse that I love him. After I went to drop off Gabriel to daycare. When I got there I found out that Josie was not answering the phone or the door. There was concern, I was about to call out but she opened. She said her alarm didn't go off. So I left Gabriel there and he wasn't having it. I drove to work after.
I got to work checked in and went to the forum meeting. It was ok, now we are adding another topic to the training in 2 weeks.

Ate my lunch and attending this 'brown bag' session regarding the documents for the upcoming training. Oh lord, help us. It was a good session, not a lot of people were there, but enough were there to give some input which is key. I told the managers that they should consider doing this more often to get employee feedback, it could go a long way in repairing trust between employees and management. 
After I hung out and watched several episodes of Married with Children. Left work and came home to take out the trash and get the last 2 bags out, which turned into 3 bags.

My wife came home and we went to throw out the trash and get the boys. We hung out for a bit,  I set up the fire stick there so it would be out of the way. We came home and I dropped everyone off and went to get Burritos for diner.
Diner was good, it's bath night for the boys.
They bathed and we changed them, I tried to put Gabriel to bed but he wasn't having it. My wife took both the kids to bed and I showered and filled our some Christmas cards, played Madden and now going to bed 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

day off

Had the day off today. My wife is going Tina training and Gabriel did not have daycare so I stayed in and dropped Javi off to school and hung out with little man. 
After dropping off Javi we went to Target and then came home, I was doing laundry while Gabriel played.

Gabriel wanted food, I started to make it for him and he decided he wanted a bottle. Gave him one and he napped. I was going to have a video conference with his doctor due to a rash he has, but he said it was a viral rash and it would be gone in a few days. I also found out I needed my Tdap shot.
We were going to meet my sister at serramonte,  before I stopped by Kaiser for the shot and then picked up Javi for some fun at Jumpity Bumpity. 

After that we came home had dinner and I put Gabriel to bed. Showered and watched tv. Tomorrow I drop both boys off and go in to work late. Going to bed now, early call time tomorrow. 

training begins

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and headed on my way. Traffic was a little slow but still got there on time. I walked up to my desk and checked emails. Got ready for the trainings for today, 4 of them.
The first training started out bad. There was an issue on who was supposed to be here and the notification of the training was not seen. Then there was the issue of using the phone for telecommuters. It's been a mess, we had to get this back on track.  We were able to make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t. Now setting up for the next one.
The second training has begun, we have a lot of drop ins. I am really over this today and it's early. The training went well, finished a bit early. Now off to lunch. 

Had lunch. Watched an episode of Married with Children and now getting ready for training #3. Hopefully these last 2 trainings go well and fast. After here it's off to the house. The trainings were good, some interesting questions and some push back, but that was expected. 
After I went to go pick up Javi, it was around 5:15 and when I got there he was so sad, he was crying. Javi thought that we forgot about him. I talked to him in the parking lot and hugged him and told him that we would never forget about him. Poor guy was traumatized. 

Got home, helped with making dinner. Did laundry. Tomorrow staying in with Gabriel and have to take Javi to school. Bathed the boys,  got them ready for bed. Put Gabriel to sleep and came out to watch tv and play Madden. Now going to bed

Sunday, December 1, 2019

early game day

Got up, washed dishes and made breakfast for the boys. Had coffee and waited for kick off. So far the game has been tight. Ravens are up 14-7. It was a great game, but unfortunately the Niners ended up losing 20-17. It was hard fought and they will learn from it, this team is hungry and should have won. But they didn't, on to the next. 

We drove out to Berkeley to the North Face store, my wife got herself and Javi a jacket. They didn't have one that was Gabriel's size. It was raining and we went to Target and headed back home.

Been hanging out, watching wrestling and football. About to shower. Finally was able to get Gabriel to sleep. Going to watch tv and play Madden before bed.  Training starts tomorrow. 


Got up, made coffee, got ready to go to Costco. Got some items and came back home to rest up. It's raining and cold out, so not sure what the day has going for us.

Had lunch and tried to get Gabriel to nap, didn't happen. Now just hanging out, might put up some Christmas lights. We went out to Tanforan to take the kids to go play. 

Got back home, bathed the boys. Put Gabriel to bed. When everyone went to sleep I put up some lights in the living room and play room. Set up for outside tomorrow. Big game, Niners at Ravens. I'm saying the Niners win a close one

Friday, November 29, 2019

black Friday

Got up, we went out to Denny's for breakfast.  We came back home and started cleaning out the playroom. We got rid of 5 garbage bags full of toys and other items. I cleaned the floor mats and got things ready.

Ordered pizza and had lunch. We went to throw out the trash. Came back home and cleaned out some more things. Another bag of toys filled. About to start watching Smackdown. 
Watched the show and we headed out to Tanforan to get out of the house for a bit.

Got Javi some pants to go with the shirts I got him. We ordered 2 iPads one for my wife and I will be getting the new one and Javi will get the one I currently have. Now we are at home.
Put Gabriel to bed, we watched the Mandalorian and the Movies the made us. About to go to bed.


Got up, shaved and showered. Been watching football. About to leave soon to go to my sister's. 

We stopped by Starbucks before going over. We got there and hung out before Thanksgiving early dinner was served. The meal was very good. Soon we will be going back home.

Got home, cleaned up a bit. There were ants in the playroom so we had to move things around to clean. We ended up watching Home Alone. It was Javi's first time. He enjoyed it. After they went to bed, I played Madden and now going to bed.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

mental health day

Decided last night that I would take the day off for a mental health day. I got up, cleaned the kitchen and had coffee. After a game of Madden I started cleaning the living room. About to vaccum after my wife gets off her phone call.
Finished cleaning up and showered. My Mom came to get the boys before 12.

I headed out to watch A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, it was a good movie. I came home and rested, after we went to get the kids food and went to drop off their things for the sleep over. 

We went to put gas in the truck and to serramonte.  We had some sushi and came back home.  Showered and now relaxing in bed. 

Tuesday thoughts

Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry. Made coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good, not too bad. It was wet, it may rain later. Got in and made sure things were sent to where they needed to be sent and now waiting. 
Before lunch we had a meeting to discuss training. We are set.

Had lunch and headed out to get some sliced pineapple for the ham. Came back and hung out and chilled. We made the copies we needed to make for the training and I headed out to get Javi.

Got home, folded clothes and had dinner. About to bathe the boys and shower. Came out and watched some tv. Played Madden and now off to bed

Monday, November 25, 2019


Got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed out. Got to work,  just hanging out. It's a short week. Going to have lunch and go to the post office. 

Had lunch and about to head out. Got the money order and sent it off. Went back to work. Found out we were having a meeting at 2 PM at 1440. I drove and found parking, walked over and we reviewed the power point presentations. After I went tonget gas and went home.

Got home, we met my Mom near Target to get Gabriel. We did some shopping and came back home for dinner. The kids played a bit. I showered, put Gabriel to bed and now watching tv before bed.

SNF vs Survivor Series

Got up, got dressed. I was able to order the PS4 bundle from best buy. We went to the park for a bit and after went to have lunch.

We had lunch at Red Robin's and went to pick up the PS4. I also got Mortal Kombat. We got home, I moved the old PS4 to the playroom, connected the new one in the living room and packed up the PS3 for storage. Started watching Survivor Series and waiting for SNF.

Great show for WWE with Survivor Series and the SNF game was great. My 49ers beat the Packers 37-8. They are 10-1 now. My wife went to drop off my mother in law to the airport. I stayed back to put the kids to bed.
My wife came back and we watched the Walking Dead. I played Madden before going to sleep 

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Got up, showered, cleaned the bed.went to pick up the ham for Thanksgiving. Came back home and got the kids ready for the movie. My Mom and Sister came by to pick up the boys to take them to watch Frozen 2.

Went to have lunch with my wife at Red Lobster. Now back at home trying to rest up.
Took a quick nap and my sister dropped the kids off. I started watching NXT War Games.
My wife and mother in law went shopping.

NXT was great. The kids had dinner and I changed Gabriel. Now watching TV before bed.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out to work. There was some traffic but I still got here on time. Checked emails, checked in with some people and now waiting for assignments. Our meeting location got moved to 1440, so later I have to go move the car. Right now watching Disney +.

Had lunch and drove to look for parking for the afternoon meeting. Didn't find parking so I hung out at Costco until it was time to go in. The meeting was good, we got feedback on the training materials and after I took off to go get Javi.
Got Javi and went home. Chilled for a bit and we were off to serramonte to walk around a bit.

Got home, had dinner, hung out. Showered and put Gabriel to bed. Did a puzzle with my wife and Javi. Now watching Smackdown before bed.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Close to the weekend

Got up, went to wake up my wife who was sleeping on the couch. She was coughing a lot and took meds and went to sleep. I got dressed, made my lunch, made coffee and headed out to work. I have a very busy day today. There was slight traffic, but I got to work on time.
At 8:30 I went to a meeting, followed by a training and guess what, another meeting. The productivity scale of these meetings and training's are debatable. But we move on.

Had lunch, watched some Married With Children and attended my unit meeting. We are in the stages of finishing up our training materials so we can present them to management tomorrow. We are getting 12 hours of OT for the next 2 weeks, so I will get them as comp time. Right now waiting to go home.
Drove home,  the kids were already there. I took Gabriel with me to Target and Trader Joe's  and came back home to finish up the laundry and have dinner.

Bathed the boys, putting Gabriel to sleep. Going to shower and watch some tv after.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

fake outrage

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and headed out. There was slight traffic but nothing out of the norm. Got in to work, still no assignment, waiting for the forum.
While I wait, I wanted to say something. If people are genuinely offended by something,  please be offended. But this fake outrage culture we live in, is not good.
You have people who are just waiting to pounce on anything anyone says, go the extra mile to make it into something it's not and going even further to feel offended and outraged for other people.
I understand everyone is different and everyone will deal with things the way they do, but I don't buy into this I'm mad that you are not mad, so let me be mad for you culture. This whole cancel culture is going to bite people in the ass.
I'm not saying that people should just say whatever they want to say and feel how they want to feel. But the energy you put out in trying to cancel someone or something,  have it when you make a mistake and they are canceling you.
Anyway, almost forum time.
Forum was good, a bit long. It always feels long when the presenters are fake.

Afternoon :
Had lunch and now hanging out. Debating if I go get coffee or have one from the machine here in the break room. I didn't have any coffee, but I did have a 20 minute nap. Which was amazing. After went back to my desk, helped an EW on a case and set up for tomorrow. 
After work I came home to take out the trash. My mom came over to drop Gabriel off and we were hanging out for a bit.

I went out to get some In-n-Out burgers and came home, had dinner. Chilled for a bit, put Gabriel to bed, now going to shower. Came out to watch tv and pretty soon going to bed. NXT was fun tonight,  AEW to me was a distant second. Especially with the tag team botch that AEW fan boys are saying was done on purpose

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made Gabriel a bottle, made coffee and headed to work. Light traffic,  got in and checked emails. No assignments yet. Taking a break before lunch. 

Had lunch, still no assignment, watched some Married With Children. After I went to go pick up Javi and went home. When we got there my wife and I went over to Costco. We got a few things and came back home.

Had dinner and chilled before bathing the boys. We watched some tv, I showere and then put Gabriel to bed. Javi went in after to go to sleep. Watched a little more tv with my wife and now finishing up an show before bed 

Monday, November 18, 2019

new week

Got up, got dressed. Made coffee and headed out the door. Made it to work and checked in. Been looking at some emails and other items. Waiting for assignment. No assignment as of yet. So I've been chatting with people, surfing the net and watching some Netflix and now Married with Children.

Had lunch and still watching Married With Children. Running out the clock. Have to go get the kids after here and put things away at the house so I can make room for the Christmas decorations.
After work I went to go pick up Javi. Got home and put some things away to make room. Gabriel's Smackdown ring in put away.
We went to get dinner and came back home.

Got back, had dinner and began washing clothes. Showered and changed the boys, put Gabriel to bed. Now out in the living room watching RAW before bed.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


Got up, made pancakes for the kids. Watched some football and got ready to go to the storage room.

Got the Christmas decorations out of the storage. Went to the park and came back home. Watching the Niners game and they just won! It was a good game, they started slow but ended well. After we went to Target to get groceries. 

Came back home and left the kids with my mother in law and we went to Chevy's for dinner, came back home. Showered, helped Javi shower and put Gabriel to bed.  After I came out to watch The Walking Dead and soon going to bed.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Got up, made coffee and breakfast. Chilled, got the kids ready, cut my hair and showered and we were off to Hillsdale mall.

I walked around the mall with the boys while my wife and Mother in Law shopped. We had lunch and came back home.
I watched some Disney + Encore episodes and watched Noelle.

Went out to pick up some pizza and soon will try to put Gabriel to bed. Took a bit but he went to sleep. Came out and took a shower and now watching tv. Going to bed soon


Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry. Hung out with the boys since they were up. Drove to work, light traffic, got in and checked in. No assignments for me today, so it was The Toys That Made Us season 3 and Disney + for me.

Afternoon :
Had lunch, talked to my supervisor for a bit, after work came home and we got ready to go to Kohl's.  We needed to return something back to Amazon. After we were off to Serramonte. 

Got our Disney Christmas shirts. Had dinner, got Javi a Ugly Christmas sweater and came home. Showered and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. 
After he went to bed, I came out and watched some TV before bed. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

baby shower day

Got up,  got dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. Made sure I took the gift for Rebekah as it is her baby shower today. I got in, checked in and I was able to finish the edit for the document I got assigned. 
Around 10:50 I started heading over to 1440 for the baby shower. Found out they opened a Target near by and I went to check it out.

After Target I made it to the building. Went to go meet Amilcar and went to the baby shower. I talked with Rebekah for a bit, caught up with Maria, Glenn and Rudy. After it was done I helped clean up and took things down to her car for her. 
We had our meeting and got updates there, when we were done I went back to 1235. 
Left work and went to pick up the kids.

Came home, chilled, did laundry and put Gabriel to bed. Showered and watched tv. Pretty soon going to bed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Got up, got dressed, made my coffee and headed out. Traffic was ok, a bit of a slow down in some areas, but I got here on time. It's cold this morning. Got in and checked in. They postponed the training until next month. Now debating if I should go get some cash out.
Didn't go to the bank but went to Walgreens and got a few things and cash back. Went back to work and attended the forum meeting. 

After the meeting I had lunch, hung out a bit. Attended a meeting and got a new assignment. Tried working on it, but I need the original word document. Maybe tomorrow. After work I went to get a card and bag for a baby shower gift, went home to take the trash out.
When I was done we went to pick up the kids. 

We left my sister's and went to Costco. Came home after. While my wife heated up lasagna,  I had Javi do his homework and had bathed the boys. We had dinner and I put Gabriel to bed. Showered and sent Javi to bed, watched some tv, the rest of NXT amd soon going to bed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Disney +

Got up,  got dressed, headed to work. Traffic was ok. Checked in and talked to my supervisor. It's Disney + launch day and I am done with work, so I get to stream some things to watch today.

I already watched a few shows, had to stop Lady and the Tramp as I kept falling asleep. Now looking for something else. I was watching a few episodes of Married With Children and now finishing up Lady and the Tramp. Running out the clock today is taking time. It's slowly ticking away.
After work I headed home. 

Chilled and watched a few things with the family. Had dinner and put Gabriel to bed,  showered and came out to watch some TV before bed

Monday, November 11, 2019


Got up, made coffee, cleaned up some. It's Veterans day, so a day off for us. My wife got up and we were watching tv.

My wife made lunch and we went out to grocery shopping. We got back home and after I went to go get some dinner.

MNF action, the Seahawks vs the undefeated 49ers. It was a very good game, it went to OT. The Niners DEF brought it, unfortunately the rookie kicker missed in OT and the Seahawks kicker didn't. Niners are undefeated no more.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday funday

Got up, made coffee, had some pie. Hanging out with Gabriel in the room watching football. Not sure what the plan is today, hopefully it's low key. 

Afternoon :
We went to Celia's for lunch. My mother in law was hit by a car when she was pulling out of her parking spot. A scuff really so they let it be. I hit my knee on some bricks and I am in pain. We went to the park and just Javi, my wife and her friend got out. Gabriel fell asleep. 
After we came home, I am in the room with Gabriel as he is napping. Everyone else is out and about in the house.
When Gabriel got up, we went out to the living room. We went to Target and came back home. 

Watched some of the SNF game, put Gabriel to bed, that took some time. Came out, showered and my wife and her friend came back home. I took Javi to bed and now just hanging out.
Had dinner and watched tv. Now going to bed.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

start to a long weekend

Got up, made coffee, watched Smackdown and showed. Soon going to pick up my mom to go to Jumpity Bumpity.

We got to serramonte and played for about an hour and a half. We had lunch and walked around the mall and headed home.
My wife and her friend came back from their day trip and now we are just hanging out. I am very sleepy.
Finished watching an episode of Married with children and we went out to Nation's to get dinner.

Drove back with the food. Ate and had a good conversation. After my wife bathed the boys, I am about to shower and chill. Putting Gabriel to bed soon. 
It took a bit but he finally went to bed. I went out to make sure Javi brushed his teeth and I had a talk with him about how he behaved in the last part of the day. I told him to think about what he did and what consequences his actions had and to have a better day tomorrow. 
After he went to bed, I went to hang out in the living room and now going to bed.

Ready for the weekend

 Got up, got Gabriel a bottle, got dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed to work. The drive was good, smooth and no issues. Got in and checked in. Have been reviewing emails and waiting for an assignment to do. Maybe I'll watch a movie or a show.
I decided to watch Married With Children, going to lunch soon.

Heated up the Chinese food my Mom gave me yesterday. Watched some Married With Children episodes. Now running out the clock. 3 day weekend coming up. I may see if my supervisor lets us out early today.
Didn't get let go early, but we got OT for the weekend, so I get some comp time!
After I went to get gas and then home.

When I got home I threw out the trash. Adri was here so I talked with her for a bit before we went out to the Olive Garden. We had dinner and came back home. I showered, watched a bit of Coco and off to bed

Thursday, November 7, 2019

close to the weekend

Got up, got dressed and headed out a bit early to get a Creme Brulee Latte from Starbucks. Got to work had a meeting at 8:30 and it was good. After I went to 1440 to drop off a gift for JJ and chatted with Rebekah for a bit she is leaving early on Maternity leave. 
After I walked back to work and had the sandwich I made for lunch. 

Got back, had lunch. Tried to watch a show on Netflix but it couldn't keep my attention. Cleaned up some things, sent out some emails and now running the clock out.
Drove to my sister's to get the kids. Hung out for a bit and then went home. 

Got home, had a late dinner. Showered, put Gabriel to bed, listened to Javi read for a bit and watched some tv before bed.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

hump day

Got up, got dressed, made coffee, made Gabriel a bottle and headed out. Light traffic got in on time. Checking in and let's see where today goes. Nothing so far, been watching some Netflix and some of WWE's the Bump. About to go to the weekly forum meeting. Still tired, a lot to do. I was able to order new parts for my CPAP machine which is always good. I have to go get a CPAP sanitizing machine soon. 
The forum was the same as always. There are never really any answers that they can give.

Had lunch and watched The Devil Next Door. I chatted with a CF Policy member and reviewed a document for a meeting tomorrow. After work I came home, picked up my wife and we went to Target and then to my sister's place to get the kids. 

Got home, had dinner, showered and  bathed both boys later. Put Gabriel to bed, watched NXT and AEW. Both shows were fun to watch,  the highlight of AEW was the Jericho video and Cody promo. But I still think that NXT had the better show. 
Anyway, about to go to bed

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Got up, got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made coffee, hung out with the boys for a few minutes before I headed out to work. Traffic was good, got here quick. Checked in and got my assignment for the next training. 
Going to start working on that now.
I was able to finish a draft of the power point that I needed to do and I went to lunch.

Had leftovers and watched Angry Birds 2. It was a fun movie. I got word that we may postpone my part of the training as there is no direction with that part. After I came home to get my wife and kids to head to my brother's place for dinner.

We were celebrating Dave's birthday and lord there was a fire. But we contained it. After dinner and flan we said a few words about Dave and we headed home. Changed the boys, I showered and put Gabriel to bed. Watched some tv and now going to sleep.

Monday, November 4, 2019

jury duty

Got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed out to work. I am on stand by for jury duty. I got in, checked in and waited to see if I needed to do anything. At 11:15 I checked and I had to report to the court house.

Drove to Redwood city and got to the court house. Lily was there so we were having a fun chat. We got dismissed and I went to Mollie Stone's to grab some Mitchell's ice cream and came home.
I got here and my Mom met me here with the kids, after she left I went with my wife to Safeway. 

Helped make dinner, had dinner, bathed the boys, out Gabriel to sleep, showered and Javi went to bed. Watched some tv and now going to sleep.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

lazy day

Got up, chilled. Cleaned the living room and under the couches. It was a mess. After I went out to throw water on the cars amd Gabriel played with water balloons. Came back in had a brownie that I made and been watching football. 

Brought down the wrestling ring and some figures for the boys to play with. So far only Gabriel has taken advantage. We got ready and went to have a late lunch at Chili's, did some shopping and came home.

Watched the Ravens vs Patriots game. I had predicted earlier that the Ravens would win and they did. The Niners are the last undefeated team in the NFL. Played pillow fight with the boys and chess with Javi. Now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to bed, one more game of chess with Javi. We watched the walking dead and now waiting for Gabriel to go back to sleep so I can change to go to bed.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

party day

Got up, chilled. Got ready and cleaned up a bit. We are going to a few Birthday parties. 

Got gas and went to Javi's friend Birthday at the Bounce House. After we headed out to the Jungle to go to Janessa's party. Javi got 1000 tickets on one game. After we went to Oscar and Monica's house for a bit.

Still here, about to go home. We were having good conversation amd we had to go. The drive would be around an hour or so. We got in and changed the boys. Now have a cold one before bed 

Friday, November 1, 2019

2 more months to go

Got up, got ready and took Gabriel to daycare. Went with Javi to have breakfast at IHOP. Came home and later picked up Gabriel. 

After some rest at home, we went to Serramonte to take the kids to Jumpity Bunpity. Did some shopping at Target and headed home. 

Watched Smackdown and chilled. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching AHS. It's November 1st. 2 more months to go in 2019. After this going to bed.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Got up, got ready and we went to take Javi to school for his parade. We saw him go around twice and I left with my mom and Gabriel to go have breakfast at Denny's. After we went to Costco and came back home. 

My mom went to go run some errands and I took a nap with Gabriel. I had a quick dream of my Dad. I started to ask him why he let happen what happened in Nicaragua in his final days there, but I stopped myself mid question and just let it be.
I went to get Javi and now we are back home. Niners vs Cardinals tonight. Trick or treating as well.
We went over near Costco and did some trick or treating and got some good items. Came back home, had some wing stop while Javi gave out the goodies we got from the Oogie bash at Disneyland. 

Finished the game, put Gabriel to bed. Showered and now finishing up Crown Jewel  then time for bed.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

last day this week

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and headed out to work. Slight traffic but it was all good. Got in, checked in and went down to shadow. After I was done I hit up the forum meeting.

Had lunch and went down to shadow again. Came up to get on a conference call and ran out the clock. When it was time i went home, took out the trash and showered. 
When my wife came home we went to meet my family at Round Table Pizza for my sister's Birthday and came home.

Got home, bathed both boys and now putting Gabriel to bed. He went to bed and I came out to watch tv. Finished NXT amd it was really good. AEW was good as well, but I think they lacked something,  people are hyping then up way too much. To be honest, Impact was better. Anyway, about to go to bed. Halloween tomorrow. 

day 2.. deja vu

Got up earlier today. Working from 1440 so I park near there. Met Amilcar for coffee at Peet's and got in to work and checked in. Made the copies for the training and it was off to the races. The training was good, took about 2 hours. We set up the shadowing for tomorrow. 
After I went to Costco with Amilcar to get my lunch and came back to wait until 12.

Had lunch with Kathleen and Tim. We talked about the walking dead and work. After I went to do the 2nd training and it lasted about an hour and a half. When we were done I checked my email one last time and headed out to pick up Javi at school.
Got Javi and went home, waited for my wife to get home and we went to Kincaid's  for dinner.

Had a good meal and dessert. Came back home, trying to put Gabriel to bed in his own bed. Went to shower, fell asleep on the couch.

Monday, October 28, 2019

training day...again

Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. Traffic wassmooth, got there and checked in and went to get ready for the trainings. The morning went well, Sandra and Jackson were in that one.  After we let them go and I went to have lunch.

I had the leftover tacos from the Birthday party and watched a Netflix documentary. I went out for an iced pumpkin Spice latte and returned for the 2nd training. Everything was good in that one as well. After I drove home.

Went to Red Robins for dinner, but Gabriel was acting a fool, so I left with him to get him a bottle and returned to pick up my wife and Javi. We went to Target and then home.
Bath night for the boys, now trying to put Gabriel to bed. 
Took me some time to put him to bed. Javi came in the room and I had to start over again. Someone slammed the bathroom door. I had to start over again. But he finally went to sleep. I came out, showered and now watching some tv before bed. 

missed by minutes

It happened again. I miss another day of the blog. Anyways I got up, made coffee, cleaned the bed and hung out. Showered and we went out to get some items for lunch and for the house.

Came back and watched the rest of the Niners game. They beat the Panthers 51-13 to go 7-0 on the season. They play on Halloween against the Cardinals. After the game we went to Chuck E Cheese so the kids could play and after we came home

Got home, the boys ate dinner while I showered. I put Gabriel to bed and we watched the walking dead. I played some WWae 2K20 and now in bed

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Got up, made coffee and an omelet for myself. Got ready and chilled for a bit waiting for time to go to Javi's classmates Birthday party. 

We got there and it was a nice house. The party had a jumper and a magician. The kids enjoyed the show, but the parents and other guests were being a bit rude by carrying on conversations loudly while the magician was doing his act. After we went home to get ready to go to the haunted house. 

On the way home, Gabriel fell asleep. my wife started to feel sick and Javi was having a tantrum because he was scared about the haunted house. So we canceled that trip. Watched Captain Underpants and Disney's then3 mouseketeers and now in bed

Friday, October 25, 2019


Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry and headed out to work. I got here around 7:23 AM and waited for 7:30 before going in. I checked in and submitted my time sheet and prepared myself to go to the first wrap up session of the day. It went well, the group at first did not want to say much to management, but they opened up after some time.
After I went to lunch.

Had lunch, starting watching Netflix 'Living With Yourself', so far it's good. About to go to the second training of the day. The trainig went well, it was fun and we were able to leave early. I drove to 7-11 to get some ice cream for everyone. When I got home we had some and headed out to Javi's Harvest Fest st school.

The Harvest Fest was good, after we went to Serramonte to get a gift for the birthday party that Javi is going to tomorrow. After we came home, I put Gabriel to bed and I showered. Now watching TV before bed. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Light day

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and Javi went to the kitchen. I gave him some meds as his nose was running. I went to get ready for work and he stayed watching Tom and Jerry. Drove to work, there was a bit of traffic and I got here around 7:45. I came up and checked in and reviewed some emails. Around 9:15 I went over to the post office to get a money order to send to Javi's school for the after school program.
I got back in and I have been just taking it easy. I am about to go have lunch and watch some Netflix until my unit meeting starts.

Had lunch, watching some Netflix. I was looking for the ratings from last night's NxT and AEW shows but they haven't been reported on. I may be wrong but I think the delay has to due with NxT possibly winning the night. I only say that because the last 3 weeks they made it a big story that AEW won and now they may try to not report on it as much as the darlings may have lost the night.
The ratings are in, looks like AEW won again, however it seems the delay was trying to figure a way to explain how the ratings declined for AEW. Anyway, going to leave here pretty soon and go to 1440 for my unit meeting. 
After the meeting I went to get the kids and headed home. When I got there I put clothes to wash and we went to get food.

Ate dinner, changed the boys. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching TV before I go to bed

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

the shadow knows

Got up, got dressed, made coffee and headed out. There was a bit of traffic bit I was able to get in on time. Spoke to James in the morning, answered a few emails and it was off to start shadowing. I completed one and now I am waiting for my second one. The second shadow was good, after I went to the forum meeting. 
It was more of the same, very few updates after I went down to shadow one more before lunch.

Had lunch. Went over to shadow the last two EWs before the end of my shift. I was able to get my mom her covered California kaiser coverage. The rest of the day was fun
 Went to get the kids and went home

Made meatloaf and hung out. Bathed the boys, showered and put Gabriel to bed. Watching tv before bed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

training day 2

Got up, got ready, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed on my way. No traffic,  found parking in my last spot. Walked in to work and got dropped off the shirt to Rebekah and the car to Maria and went to get ready for the first training of the day.
It went well, finished 20 minutes early. 

There was some issue with my time sheet and they are currently working on it. I had lunch with Amilcar and now waiting for the second training. I am outside waiting for the 1235 EW's to get here to lead them upstairs. 
The training went well, there was an issue with next weeks training and I had to go back and forth with managment over it.
After I went home and we went to Target. 

Got home, made dinner and cleaned up. Changed Gabriel and I showered. After I put Gabriel to bed and watched tv before bed.

Monday, October 21, 2019

another training

Got up, got dressed, made my coffee and headed out to work. Slight traffic, but got here on time. Checked in and reviewed emails. Now waiting for training to begin.
The training went well, we got out a little after 11.

Had lunch, talked with my wife. Confirmed that today is the last swim class for the boys. Now going to set up and do the PM training. The 2nd training was good. We ended around 4:10. After I went over to pick up the kids at my sister's.  
Got the kids, hung out a bit and went home. I got the kids ready for swim class. They had fun. We were disappointed because Javi's instructor was not really helpful and they are trying to hold him back again. He can swim, he is much better, he should be moving up, but for whatever reason he is not. We may get him private lessons. 

Got home, bathed the boys. I showered. Had dinner and been hanging our doing laundry. Now watching RAW before bed. Early wake up time tomorrow. Day 2 of training. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

driving back home

Got up, started to get ready and went down to pack up the car for the drive home. We went to get breakfast at Porto's and drove and drove and well, drove.

We stopped to get the kids some food and drove again. We dropped off my mom at her car around 3:15 and came home. We unloaded the car and I watched some football. Soon we are going out to get some dinner.
Got dinner and ate, bathed the boys and let them play before bed.

Showered and put Gabriel to bed. Watched the Walking Dead and now some tv before bed. Tomorrow training begins. 

last day

Got up, got ready and we headed out to the restaurant for our breakfast reservation. We had good food and the boys took pictures with Donald, Daisy, Minnie and Stitch. After we headed back to California Adventure and got on the Grizzly Peak. 
We got on a few other rides and got to see some of the Coco show.

Afternoon :
Went back to Cars land amd I got Javi his Dinico Blue drink. We went over to Disneyland and got on the train to go take a picture with Jack and Sally. Now we are back at the hotel. Might go swim.
Took the boys swimming and showered up to go back to the park.

We went in and got on a few more rides, got a few snacks and came back to the hotel to start packing and to get some rest. Heading back home tomorrow. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Universal studios

Got up, got the kids ready. Dropped Gabriel off to my sister and we took off to Universal studios. There was traffic. But we got here ok. So far we have gotten on a few rides and the team tour. Waiting for the Minions ride.
Got on the ride and it was fun. We played a few carnival games and went to get lunch.

Had some fried chicken and other food for lunch. Went to get on a few more rides and headed out to go back to the hotel so we could meet up to get Gabriel. We finally got to Disneyland and took a picture in front of the place with the flowers in Mickey head shape and went in to get on The Haunted Mansion. While we were on it broke down for a bit, we were stuck. After we went to look for some food.

Had dinner at the Uva bar and headed back in to Disneyland.  Got on a few rides (Buzz Lightyear and the Nemo ride) and watched the fireworks display. It was fun as always. After headed to the hotel to bathe the boys and shower. Bed time. Early start tomorrow. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

road trip

Got up at 12:40 to use the bathroom. My stomach was hurting. At 1 I started to get the last things in the car. We headed out at 1:30.
The drive has been good so far. Just the last stretch has traffic. We should be there before 9.
Got to the hotel. No luck in getting a room early. Took out the stroller and rearranged the luggage and off we went to eat breakfast. We had a good meal and my mom stayed in downtown Disney and we went to Disneyland for a few rides.

We went to California Adventure and had ice cream. Left the boys with my sister and went to check in to the hotel. Showered and had a few brewskis and came back to check in for the Halloween party. 
We did just that and had an early dinner.
We went to meet up to get the kids.

The Halloween party began and it was really good. We got lots of candy and visited the rally cool places they had. After we went back to the hotel. Now it's bed time. Universal Studios tomorrow. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

my sister's birthday

Got up, didn't go to work today. Taking a mental health day. Took Gabriel to day care and went to Target yo get ice and a gift card for my sister. I don't like the update this Blogger app did. But anyway, after I got the items, I went to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte and came home. Played Madden for a bit and got some other items ready for the trip. 
Around 11 I went to get some sandwiches for lunch and picked up Gabriel. He is eating right now as we wait for my Mom to get here so she can take him.
My mom picked up Gabriel. I had lunch and took a nap. Around 5 we went to fill up the car and pick up the kids and my mom.

Finished packing the truck. Hopefully everything we need is in there. Had dinner, showered and now going to nap. Waking up at 1 to start the drive to Disneyland. 

Back at it

Got up, got dressed. Put clothes to dry, made coffee, packed my things and headed out to work. It's cold this morning. Got in, checked in. Requested an additional two days off in December. Now just catching up with things. Most of the day I was reviewing and talking to people before having lunch. 


Ate, watched Netflix and headed out to move the car. Found parking and walked to 1440. Our meeting was good, quick. I came home after. 

Got home and took out the trash and recycling. We went to pick up some milk for Gabriel and glow sticks for the kids for Disneyland and went home after. 


Bathed both kids and I put Gabriel to bed. I showered and played a game with Javi before he went to bed. Watched Hobbs and Shaw and now going to bed.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Day off

Got up, threw on some sweats and went to drop Javi off at school. After I went to Costco to get gas and then to McDonald's for breakfast. Got home and chilled a bit, cleaned up and showered. We were off to Kaiser to get Gabriel and my wife the flu shot.

After the flu shot we went to Costco to get some water, milk and diapers for the trip. Came home and watched American Horror Story 1984. Gabriel fell asleep and I dozed off.
My wife and I went to pick up Javi at school and took him to get a hair cut. Came home to pick up Gabriel and went to Chevy's for an early dinner.

Got home and started packing clothes for the trip. We got the boys clothes ready and I think all of mine is done. Just have to put shoes in a bag. After I showered and went to put Gabriel to bed.
When he fell asleep I came out and Javi went to bed soon after. My wife booked our trip to visit her sister in Florida for Christmas.  I have to ask for an additional 2 days off.
Now watching RAW and then going to bed.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Steak and Football

Got up, made eggs for Gabriel and myself. Had coffee and started watching football. Showered and got the kids ready. Gabriel made a mess and I had to clean it up.

Started watching the Niners vs Rams game. My wife went out to buy some steaks to grill, I stayed with the kids and got the grill ready. After some time we ate lunch and now finishing up the game.
Niners won, it was a gritty game. They are 5-0, looks like I am going the other way in Fantasy Football as I am 0-6.
After the game I played Monopoly Junior with Javi until we went to Target.

Got back home,  carved pumpkins and bathed the boys, showered, put Gabriel to sleep and now watching the walking dead. We have our matching family Halloween pjs on tonight.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pumpkin Patch day

Got up, move things around in the truck and got ready. About to head out to get gas and go get my mom. We are headed to a Pumpkin patch.
I got gas, came back to get everyone, drove to get my mom and headed out to Petaluma .
On the drive Gabriel threw up and we had to get off to clean him up. After some time we finally got to the pumpkin patch and had a lot of fun.

We left the pumpkin patch and headed out to the outlets. Did some shopping and went to grab food to bring home to eat. There was slight traffic but we finally got home. I cleaned out the car seat and had dinner. After we went to see Joker.

The movie was good. It was heavy for sure. But good. Came home, took my mom home and came back to shower. Now waiting for my wife to come out the room.
Well, she didn't come out. She went to sleep, the party outside is over. Now watching El Camino on Netflix and then bed.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Morning :
Got up early. Map
Lde Gabriel a bottle,  put clothes to dry, got dressed and headed out. Leaving early to get parking near my old spot since I will be working from 1440 today. Almost all the parking places I use were taken. But I found a spot. Now waiting to walk over.
Got in and checked in. Printed some items for the weekend to work on for OT. The 1st wrap up went well, it was a good conversation and good training.

Went out to Costco to grab lunch. Ran into Julia and Lily while there, came back and had lunch with Tim and Kathleen. I offered part of my lunch to Humberto and he had some as well.
The 2nd training was good, great feedback. I need to stay with the next round of EW's to show them how to assign tasks.
After we sang happy Birthday to Humberto had cupcakes and planned out or assignments for Tuesday.
I drove home and hung out for a bit. Made water balloons to toss around. The kids finger painted and we went out to grab some food.

We had dinner, I showered and now putting Gabriel to bed. Watched some tv and went to bed

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A new streak

Got up, got dressed. Made some coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good, not too much of a delay. I completely missed my blog entry for yesterday,  so a new streak starts today.
Later I have to shadow one more EW and I think our unit meeting.
The morning went well, I talked to my supervisor and printed out some material.

I had lunch, watched Anabelle Home coming and then went down to shadow an EW. After that we had our unit meeting and I drove home.
Picked up my wife and went to get the kids at my sister's. Hung out for a bit before going home.

Had dinner, bathed the boys, showered and did laundry. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching some tv. Might watch AEW if it's not too late.
I watched the 2nd episode of AEW and I must say that it still hasn't wowed me. There was a buzz about the Young Bucks vs Private Party match, Jericho apparently made the best promo in wrestling in the last 30 years. Well, that match was ok, too many camera angles showing how they were waiting too long for things. The promo was good, not great. But anyway, people are d&#k riding AEW because they want to hate WWE so much.
For example, at the end of another brawl to end the show for a second week. Some guy rolls down on a skateboard and attacked Jericho. If that was a idea in WWE people would sh*t all over it. But since it was AEW it was the greatest things ever.

Skipped a day

Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. Very light traffic. Today we have the interview shadowing.
Got to work, checked in and at 8 I went downstairs. I had 3 shadows before heading up to the forum meeting.

Afternoon :
I ate lunch and watched Men In Black International. It was ok, after one more shadow as my other one is not in the building.
After I went home to get my wife we picked up the kids at the park and went to Target.

Got home, had dinner and chilled. Watched some shows after showering and went to bed

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Another day

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed, hung out with Javi for a few minutes before I headed out to work. He was feeling better and he would be going to school. I drove to work, light traffic and got in and checked in.
The first training has been good so far, we are almost done. I will be going to have lunch with Tim and Kathleen.

I walked over to Peet's and grabbed a gift card to give to Sandra for her Birthday. She was also having lunch at the same place we were going to. When we were going to meet, I found out that Tim would not be joining us. I was able to have lunch with Kathleen and we had a good meal and conversation. After I came back to the office and now in the 2nd training.
Oh lord, this training has been a bit challenging. There must be something in the water as we are all a bit irritated with everyone. But we went through the training and now I am going home.

Got home, cleaned up a bit and Brian stopped by to bring Javi his Birthday gift. I went to get dinner and came back. Had dinner and bathed both kids. Put Gabriel to bed and I went to shower. Javi went to bed and now just watching TV before bed.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Training week

Got up, got dressed. Made Gabriel a bottle, looks like Javi is staying in today. He is not feeling good. I headed out to work, there was very light traffic.  Today we start training.
The morning training was good. I did my part and for the mock interview I helped out an EW that was the sister of one of the policy team workers. They all did great.

Had lunch, helped an EW with a case and went to do the second training. That one went well. It ran a bit long but we got it done. Javi is still a little sick so I called to check in on him and went home.

Watched the Niners vs Browns on MNF. The Niners won. I also watched RAW and it was ok. They could gave done better but it is what it is. Watching a little more tv before bed.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Got up a bit late. We went to get donuts and ingot Javi ready to go swim at my sister's.

We went swimming and had a good time. After I got gas and came home. My wife came back from shopping and eating with Gabriel and her mom. We then rested and went out to serramonte to get pumpkins for the boys and some snacks for the week.

Got back home. Bathed the boys. Gave them dinner. They don't feel well, we will have to see how tonight goes. We watched The Walking Dead,  I finished watching Hell In A Cell and now finishing Big Mouth before bed.

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Got up, made breakfast and coffee. I decided today was the day to build the toddler bed for Gabriel
Did that, took the crib apart and now about to shower. Later we have a concert to go to.
We went out to have Javi ride his bike and Gabriel ride his Batman ATV.

It is hot so the kids wanted popsicles, we came in, I went to pick up lunch for us and when i came back we ate and rested a bit. I played Angry Birds with Javi before we went out real quick to get some icees and a coffee for my wife.

We left the kids with my mother in law and headed out to San Jose to see Alejandro Sanz in concert. Our section was closed so they upgraded us to floor seats. The concert was a lot of fun and we had a great time. We just got home, changing and it's bed time.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Finally Friday

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and went to get ready. Put clothes to dry, made coffee and went off to work. Light traffic, got in and checked in. Printed the materials for training next week and now waiting for lunch time.

Had lunch and watched Big Mouth on Netflix. About to head to a meeting. So tired, ready to go home. The meeting was good, productive. We are thinking about how we are going to do the trainings. After I went home.
Played with the kids for a bit, I was watching Smackdown on the Fox Sports app. I had an issue with Amazon, they said an item was delivered but it wasn't. After that we went to have dinner a Red Lobster.

Dinner was good, came home. Changed the toilet seat. Changed Gabriel and put him to bed. Took Javi to bed and I went to shower. After I told my wife to go to sleep as she was passed out on the couch. Right now I am watching the rest of Smackdown.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday thoughts

Got up, got ready and headed out to work. There was traffic due to a car accident. Got in and checked in. Finished reading the handbook and got on the conference call.

Had lunch and watched some wrestling and the beginning of Spider Man Far From Home. Had our unit meeting call and after went to get Javi.
After I got to my sister's I stayed for a bit and went to target to get things to make dinner.

Made dinner with my wife, had dinner. Started laundry and changed the boys. I showered and put Gabriel to bed. Came out and watched some tv. Now catching up on the AEW show. So far it's been ok, nothing special yet. Pac and Hangman about to go at it.
Well, I saw the show. It was good, not great. It fell flat from the monster expectations it had. There were many lazy spots, spots that looked really bad and the announcers didn't really help with the excitement. The final reveal of Jake Hager as a member of AEW was really meh. The crowd ate it up because they literally will love anything AEW does. Anyway, hope next week it is better. I give the edge this week to NXT.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

First hump day of October

Got up, got dressed. Gabriel was acting like a weirdo in the middle of the night. I had to turn off the lights to get him to sleep again. No coffee to go today, stopping at Starbucks for double star day.
Drove to work and got there 15 minutes early. Hanging out in the car, a group of homeless people are lounging and doing drugs on the sidewalk.
That is San Francisco for you. It has become a place where this is not only common, but they are looking for safe spaces to encourage the drug use. Anyway. About to go in to work.
I got in and checked in. Let my supervisor know I was skipping the forum meeting to read the materials I needed to learn.
I guess they had something planned for us, but I missed it. After I went to lunch.

Had lunch and went to move the car over to near 1440. Went to Costco with Amilcar and after attended a training. Spoke quickly to my supervisor and headed home. Got home and we were going to meet my mom at Black Bear Diner. It was a mess. After we came home

Got home and bathed Gabriel. About to go shower. When I was done I helped Javi out with him getting ready. Been watching tv and soon will watch NXT before bed.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth. Got in and checked in. Had to shadow an ew at 9. ABAWD training for supervisors at 10.

Had lunch, went over to 1440 to pick up a gift Sandra sent over to Javi for his Birthday. Went back to work to shadow 2 more EW'S and I have been trying to read the ABAWD 2.0 hand book.
After I headed home.
We went to serramonte to walk around and get some apple juice for the boys.

Drove home, made my lunch for tomorrow and put Gabriel to sleep. I came out after Javi came in to the room and watched tv. After a while I showered and now watching a little more tv before bed.

Monday, September 30, 2019

It's a new week, yes it is!

Got up, so tired. I blame myself for sure. I didn't go to sleep until around 12:30 AM. Anyway, went to get dressed and made my coffee and headed out. Some traffic due to a car accident on the opposite side of the freeway. I got here on time and came in to check in. My supervisor is out, so he is sending me to 1440 for a meeting on the end 2 end training. I get to 1440 hang out with Karla for a bit. Go to this meeting that turned out to be a speaker phone meeting with people who were in the building where I was just at. Finished that, talked to Sandra and Rebekah before heading downstairs to say hi to Amilcar and go back to my desk.

Went to warm up my food. Got an invitation and text request to go to another meeting. I ate and chilled. Went to the meeting at 2. Took the place of my supervisor and gave training updates. I think they are planning on having us do some random training. We'll see, sent the report to my supervisor and now running out the clock, waiting to go get the boys at my sister's place. Swimming later tonight. 
Got to my sister's house and now hanging out a bit, waiting for time to go home. Swim class tonight. 

Took the boys swimming. Came back home and bathed them and had dinner. After put Gabriel to sleep. I showered and watched tv. Fell asleep the couch but in bed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The day after

Got up, made the kids eggs and pancakes. No breakfast,  just coffee. Cleaned the bed and vacuumed the room. Watched some of the Giants game, it's Bruce Bochy's last game as the skipper of the Giants. It did not start well.

Showered and shaved. Headed out to get lunch before going to my sister's house. My wife is going to watch a movie with her. I am here with the kiddos.
Been watching the Giants game and some football. Giants lost and now watching the tribute to Bochy.
After we went to target and headed hime.

Got home, hung out and helped make dinner. Talked to my mom for a bit and took a shower. Gabriel woke up and I put him back to sleep. Now sent Javi to bed.
Watched tv and stayed up way too late

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Happy Birthday Javi!

Got up, went back to sleep. Got up again and got ready. We went to pick up the cake and came back home. Rested a bit, bathed the boys and got them ready.

I headed out to Costco to get the food for the party.  Came back home and we headed to the bounce place for Javi's party.
We got there and started setting up, people started coming and playing. Javi had a great time, he was so happy.
It was a good party, good friends, good family. After we went home.

Got home, opened the gifts. Oscar, Monica and the kids came by to play with Javi and Gabriel.  We had fun catching up and they had fun playing.
When they left I put Gabriel to bed, came out and played an Angry Bird game. Javi went to bed and now I am watching tv, getting ready to go to bed.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Last training day

Got up and got ready. Went to work, traffic was ok. Parked and went in to check in and went to conduct the training. It went well, good feedback and everyone look good with it.

Had lunch and went to get coffee. Got Karla a coffee for her birthday. We did the second training and it went well. After I came home to get my wife and kids to go have dinner.

Folded clothes. Changed the boys, made the loot bags for the party and now putting Gabriel to sleep.
Watched some AAA wrestling while my wife went to pick up her mom at the airport. Went to the room to check on the kids, Gabriel was crying.
Now just waiting for them to get back so I can go to sleep. Tomorrow is Javi's birthday.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. There was a bit of traffic, but I got there on time. Checked in and chatted with a few people. Later we have our unit meeting.

Had lunch and made the copies for tomorrow's training. Then headed over to 1440 for our unit meeting. We discussed the trainings and how we wanted to adjust them. We were told that we would no longer get telecommuting. The higher ups said they could not justify why we would need itx but still let others in our same position have it. I expressed how tired I am of the constant disrespect and how they don't value us as a team.
After I went to get the kids at my sister's house and went home.

Got home, chilled. Watched a bit of football. Started laundry. While the boys had dinner and Javi did his homework, I took a shower. After I put Gabriel to bed and now watching some tv. Still very upset about what happened today. But it will pass. I was going to call out sick tomorrow as a small protest,  but we have training and I can't do that. It wouldn't be right. Have to show respect to my team and the EW's in training

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hump day

Got up and got dressed. They boys were up before I left so I gave them hugs and kisses goodbye. Later it's Javi's parent/teacher conference. There was a bit of traffic on the drive in. But got here on time. Forum meeting at 10. Off early today.
The forum was ok, there was some good information but some people were asking dumb questions. Anyway after went to warm up my food.

Had lunch, left work to go home for a bit before the conference. I went with my wife to the school and met with Javi's teacher. We got the report that Javi is doing really well and that he is ahead on math and reading. After I went to get my flu shot and back home before we went to Target and to get the kids.

Got to Target and did some shopping. Went to my sister's to pick up the boys. After we ate at In and Out and came home. It was bath time for the boys. After did some reading with Javi, he was being a little lazy today with it. When the boys went to bed, I showered and we set up the goody bags for Javi's class. Watched some tv before bed.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Feels like a long week

Got up. Got dressed. Put clothes to dry and headed out to work. Got here, checked in and went to do 2 shadows in the morning. They went well. I went quick to check in with Randy about a MC income issue and Mary was there. We talked for a bit, then I excused myself so they could have a chat.

Kathleen stopped by for an interview and after she came up to visit. We talked for a bit and she went on her way. Now having lunch and debating if I go get an iced drink.
I got a drink over at Peet's. Did my shadowing and went back to my desk. Got home and cleaned up and we headed out to get the last things for Javi's party.

Got back home, Gabriel was flipping out. Had dinner, he woke up and flipped out again. He went back to sleep again. Javi went to bed soon after and now watching TV and will play a game of Madden before bed.

Monday, September 23, 2019

A new week

Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. Today is week 2 of training. I will be shadowing 2 EW's today doing their tasks. Drove to work, there was slight traffic and when I got in I was able to check in. My supervisor did not come in today. One of the EW's asked if I could shadow earlier and I did. I had to modify my day due to a function meeting.
The shadow went well, she is doing real good work and is caught up. After I took a break and went to have lunch.

Ate lunch and started watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and around 1:10 I went to look for the other EW so I can shadow him. He was also on top of things and I studied his process and took notes. After I went to visit Randy and had a conversation with him and Olga about things at work.
After here I have to go get the kids and they have swimming later today. Still have some things to do for Javi's birthday party, hopefully we can get those done today.
I got to my sister's and picked up the kids and headed home

Took the kids swimming, after we went to Costco and back home. Bathed Gabriel and put him to sleep, my wife helped Javi shower and do his homework. Now watching tv and going to bed soon.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 3

Got up early. Came out to the living room to see what the kids were up to. Made then breakfast,  made coffee and an omelet and started watching football.
Showered and got ready.

The boys had lunch, my stomach hurts a bit. Waiting for the Niners game to start.
That game was bad, the Niners offense was really bad in the first half. The Defense helped them big time. They won a sloppy game. After we went to Taget.

Grabbed dinner and cleaned up a bit. Bathed the boys and put Gabriel to bed. Talked to Arnel for a bit and now going to play Madden before bed. Have to make changes again to my Fantasy football team,  lost again, 0-3