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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

training day 2

Got up, got ready, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed on my way. No traffic,  found parking in my last spot. Walked in to work and got dropped off the shirt to Rebekah and the car to Maria and went to get ready for the first training of the day.
It went well, finished 20 minutes early. 

There was some issue with my time sheet and they are currently working on it. I had lunch with Amilcar and now waiting for the second training. I am outside waiting for the 1235 EW's to get here to lead them upstairs. 
The training went well, there was an issue with next weeks training and I had to go back and forth with managment over it.
After I went home and we went to Target. 

Got home, made dinner and cleaned up. Changed Gabriel and I showered. After I put Gabriel to bed and watched tv before bed.

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