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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ready for the weekend

 Got up, got Gabriel a bottle, got dressed, put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed to work. The drive was good, smooth and no issues. Got in and checked in. Have been reviewing emails and waiting for an assignment to do. Maybe I'll watch a movie or a show.
I decided to watch Married With Children, going to lunch soon.

Heated up the Chinese food my Mom gave me yesterday. Watched some Married With Children episodes. Now running out the clock. 3 day weekend coming up. I may see if my supervisor lets us out early today.
Didn't get let go early, but we got OT for the weekend, so I get some comp time!
After I went to get gas and then home.

When I got home I threw out the trash. Adri was here so I talked with her for a bit before we went out to the Olive Garden. We had dinner and came back home. I showered, watched a bit of Coco and off to bed

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