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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

fake outrage

Got up, got dressed,  made coffee and headed out. There was slight traffic but nothing out of the norm. Got in to work, still no assignment, waiting for the forum.
While I wait, I wanted to say something. If people are genuinely offended by something,  please be offended. But this fake outrage culture we live in, is not good.
You have people who are just waiting to pounce on anything anyone says, go the extra mile to make it into something it's not and going even further to feel offended and outraged for other people.
I understand everyone is different and everyone will deal with things the way they do, but I don't buy into this I'm mad that you are not mad, so let me be mad for you culture. This whole cancel culture is going to bite people in the ass.
I'm not saying that people should just say whatever they want to say and feel how they want to feel. But the energy you put out in trying to cancel someone or something,  have it when you make a mistake and they are canceling you.
Anyway, almost forum time.
Forum was good, a bit long. It always feels long when the presenters are fake.

Afternoon :
Had lunch and now hanging out. Debating if I go get coffee or have one from the machine here in the break room. I didn't have any coffee, but I did have a 20 minute nap. Which was amazing. After went back to my desk, helped an EW on a case and set up for tomorrow. 
After work I came home to take out the trash. My mom came over to drop Gabriel off and we were hanging out for a bit.

I went out to get some In-n-Out burgers and came home, had dinner. Chilled for a bit, put Gabriel to bed, now going to shower. Came out to watch tv and pretty soon going to bed. NXT was fun tonight,  AEW to me was a distant second. Especially with the tag team botch that AEW fan boys are saying was done on purpose

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