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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Another day

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle,  got dressed, hung out with Javi for a few minutes before I headed out to work. He was feeling better and he would be going to school. I drove to work, light traffic and got in and checked in.
The first training has been good so far, we are almost done. I will be going to have lunch with Tim and Kathleen.

I walked over to Peet's and grabbed a gift card to give to Sandra for her Birthday. She was also having lunch at the same place we were going to. When we were going to meet, I found out that Tim would not be joining us. I was able to have lunch with Kathleen and we had a good meal and conversation. After I came back to the office and now in the 2nd training.
Oh lord, this training has been a bit challenging. There must be something in the water as we are all a bit irritated with everyone. But we went through the training and now I am going home.

Got home, cleaned up a bit and Brian stopped by to bring Javi his Birthday gift. I went to get dinner and came back. Had dinner and bathed both kids. Put Gabriel to bed and I went to shower. Javi went to bed and now just watching TV before bed.

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