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Monday, September 23, 2019

A new week

Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. Today is week 2 of training. I will be shadowing 2 EW's today doing their tasks. Drove to work, there was slight traffic and when I got in I was able to check in. My supervisor did not come in today. One of the EW's asked if I could shadow earlier and I did. I had to modify my day due to a function meeting.
The shadow went well, she is doing real good work and is caught up. After I took a break and went to have lunch.

Ate lunch and started watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and around 1:10 I went to look for the other EW so I can shadow him. He was also on top of things and I studied his process and took notes. After I went to visit Randy and had a conversation with him and Olga about things at work.
After here I have to go get the kids and they have swimming later today. Still have some things to do for Javi's birthday party, hopefully we can get those done today.
I got to my sister's and picked up the kids and headed home

Took the kids swimming, after we went to Costco and back home. Bathed Gabriel and put him to sleep, my wife helped Javi shower and do his homework. Now watching tv and going to bed soon.

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