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Friday, October 11, 2019


Morning :
Got up early. Map
Lde Gabriel a bottle,  put clothes to dry, got dressed and headed out. Leaving early to get parking near my old spot since I will be working from 1440 today. Almost all the parking places I use were taken. But I found a spot. Now waiting to walk over.
Got in and checked in. Printed some items for the weekend to work on for OT. The 1st wrap up went well, it was a good conversation and good training.

Went out to Costco to grab lunch. Ran into Julia and Lily while there, came back and had lunch with Tim and Kathleen. I offered part of my lunch to Humberto and he had some as well.
The 2nd training was good, great feedback. I need to stay with the next round of EW's to show them how to assign tasks.
After we sang happy Birthday to Humberto had cupcakes and planned out or assignments for Tuesday.
I drove home and hung out for a bit. Made water balloons to toss around. The kids finger painted and we went out to grab some food.

We had dinner, I showered and now putting Gabriel to bed. Watched some tv and went to bed

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