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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hump day

Got up and got dressed. They boys were up before I left so I gave them hugs and kisses goodbye. Later it's Javi's parent/teacher conference. There was a bit of traffic on the drive in. But got here on time. Forum meeting at 10. Off early today.
The forum was ok, there was some good information but some people were asking dumb questions. Anyway after went to warm up my food.

Had lunch, left work to go home for a bit before the conference. I went with my wife to the school and met with Javi's teacher. We got the report that Javi is doing really well and that he is ahead on math and reading. After I went to get my flu shot and back home before we went to Target and to get the kids.

Got to Target and did some shopping. Went to my sister's to pick up the boys. After we ate at In and Out and came home. It was bath time for the boys. After did some reading with Javi, he was being a little lazy today with it. When the boys went to bed, I showered and we set up the goody bags for Javi's class. Watched some tv before bed.

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