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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

middle of the week

Got up early, got ready and waited to see if the kids would wake up on time. They didn't so I woke up Javi and Gabriel. Helped Javi with his dreams and gave Gabriel a bottle. I took Javi to school, reminded him to have a good day, to be a good person and to learn and ofcourse that I love him. After I went to drop off Gabriel to daycare. When I got there I found out that Josie was not answering the phone or the door. There was concern, I was about to call out but she opened. She said her alarm didn't go off. So I left Gabriel there and he wasn't having it. I drove to work after.
I got to work checked in and went to the forum meeting. It was ok, now we are adding another topic to the training in 2 weeks.

Ate my lunch and attending this 'brown bag' session regarding the documents for the upcoming training. Oh lord, help us. It was a good session, not a lot of people were there, but enough were there to give some input which is key. I told the managers that they should consider doing this more often to get employee feedback, it could go a long way in repairing trust between employees and management. 
After I hung out and watched several episodes of Married with Children. Left work and came home to take out the trash and get the last 2 bags out, which turned into 3 bags.

My wife came home and we went to throw out the trash and get the boys. We hung out for a bit,  I set up the fire stick there so it would be out of the way. We came home and I dropped everyone off and went to get Burritos for diner.
Diner was good, it's bath night for the boys.
They bathed and we changed them, I tried to put Gabriel to bed but he wasn't having it. My wife took both the kids to bed and I showered and filled our some Christmas cards, played Madden and now going to bed 

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