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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Light day

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and Javi went to the kitchen. I gave him some meds as his nose was running. I went to get ready for work and he stayed watching Tom and Jerry. Drove to work, there was a bit of traffic and I got here around 7:45. I came up and checked in and reviewed some emails. Around 9:15 I went over to the post office to get a money order to send to Javi's school for the after school program.
I got back in and I have been just taking it easy. I am about to go have lunch and watch some Netflix until my unit meeting starts.

Had lunch, watching some Netflix. I was looking for the ratings from last night's NxT and AEW shows but they haven't been reported on. I may be wrong but I think the delay has to due with NxT possibly winning the night. I only say that because the last 3 weeks they made it a big story that AEW won and now they may try to not report on it as much as the darlings may have lost the night.
The ratings are in, looks like AEW won again, however it seems the delay was trying to figure a way to explain how the ratings declined for AEW. Anyway, going to leave here pretty soon and go to 1440 for my unit meeting. 
After the meeting I went to get the kids and headed home. When I got there I put clothes to wash and we went to get food.

Ate dinner, changed the boys. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching TV before I go to bed

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