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Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Got up, got dressed,  made my coffee, heated up some water for my wife to make hers. I packed up Gabriel's gift and headed out. There was a little bit of traffic but not a lot. Got in and checked emails, there is a new update to the training we will be doing next week. My supervisor said they want us to do a power point, I don't agree. Anyway, going to cook the books and read up on the End 2 end RRR process. 
Been reading this long document and it's straight forward, can be taught just by having the room read it.

Had lunch, watched some Married with Children and now hanging out. Running out the clock. Tired, I may get a coffee or just wait it out. Drank lots of water so far, I have been peeing a lot. After here I have to go pickup Gabriel's Christmas gift and get the boys.
Got home, washed dishes and we headed out to get night diapers and Gabriel's gift. After we went to get them at my sister's. 

We picked up some Chinese food and came home to eat dinner. I started laundry and cleaned up a bit. Showered, put Gabriel to bed and now watching RAW. After wrestling I watched some other things and went to bed.

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