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Monday, April 30, 2018

Hit the ground running...

Gabriel was kicking and slapping me for about 30 minutes this morning, he was sleeping but moving. He finally settled his head on my shoulder and fully fell asleep. So I had to sneak out of there so he wouldn't wake up.
I got ready, washed a bottle, made coffee and headed off to work. Traffic was smooth and now I am waiting to go in. Hopefully this week my role will become clearer.
Got in, had some coffee, connected with a few folks. More reviewing and waiting.

Had my lunch, took a walk, went to Costco and went back in. I finally got word of what I will be doing first. I have to go to the forum meeting on Wednesday to talk about some Medi-Cal items. So that should be fun. Karla mentioned that I may be part of the unit meeting trainings so that should be good. If I am, I am considering lining up my beard to make a new debut, something they haven't seen in some time.
After that I drove home.

Put some clothes to wash, headed out to Target to get some snacks to donate to Javi's class. My wife bathed Gabriel. Now I will try to put him down. He didn't want to go down, so I left him in the crib again. It took some time but he fell asleep again on his own. Still doing laundry, already watched RAW and now waiting for the last load and may watch some tv. Tired so I may also try to sleep early. Not sure. Tomorrow is May 1st, so a 3rd of the year is gone. Countdown to my birthday is on.

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