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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Regulators... mount up

Gabriel got up after 4, I fed him and put him back down. Woke up at 5:45 and started getting ready. I washed and sanitized Gabriel's bottles, game planning for later I may have to go to Costco to get toilet paper and before getting home to to Target to let laundry detergent, dishwashing soap, q-tips, milk and creamer. Maybe get some gas as well.
The drive in to work was good. Now just waiting to go in, I have a few questions that regarding the ABAWD trainings that I will send to my supervisor to see if he knows the answer.
I sent the email and it looks like we had the same understanding.  I was told to go to the forum meeting so I did that. It was fun.
After the meeting I went back downstairs to review some handouts.

I went to AK Subs with Cynthia, we had a good lunch and a good conversation. After that I went back in, reviewed more handouts and I was asked to go to a presentation at 1235 Mission tomorrow, so I will be doing that. Took a break and hung out, helped out some people and took off to get gas.

When I got home I took out the garbage and got the kids ready and we went to Costco. Got some much needed items and came home. Washed dishes and now I am hanging out.
Gabriel went to bed and I came back out, set up the bags for tomorrow and cleaned up a bit. About to go to bed, so sleepy

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