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Sunday, April 15, 2018

My arms are on fire

Got up around 7 and brought Gabriel out to the living room. We played for a while and I gave him cereal and a bottle soon after. Had a cup of coffee. My wife cleaned out the kids clothes and vacuumed the room, I vacuumed the living room and we cleaned up Javi's play room. I have a headache and want to sleep.

Did some comprehension practice with Javi and now going to shower. I felt sick when I got out of the shower. A little dizzy, maybe the vertigo has come back to mess with me. I decided to skip out on lunch at Chevy's and stay in to try and sleep it off.
I got a good 2 hours of sleep in, I felt a bit better. I helped my wife with bathing Gabriel and my sister came over to watch The Walking Dead.

After the show was over, my wife gave Javi a shower while I fed Gabriel a bottle and tried to put him to sleep. Holy heck with these kids. It took around an hour and a half to get Gabriel to go to sleep and Javi was crying because my wife didn't go to the room to sleep with them. But eventually they went down. About to go to sleep relatively early. No OT tomorrow, but it's my last week as a 2905 and I will finish strong. Hopefully they tell me where I am going to I know where my things are going.

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