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Monday, April 16, 2018

Don't quote me boy cuz I ain't said shhhh...

Got up and started getting ready to go to work. Washed and sanitized bottles and started my drive. There was quite a bit of traffic, delayed my commute about 20 minutes. Luckily I found parking in the same area, only half day of work today, off at 12. Javi has an appointment at 2:30.
Tasks were super easy today. Just have to finish one off tomorrow due to the case being in archives status. I was done at 9:37. Taking off at 11:50.

Nice walk to the car, it had been raining but not any longer. The drive to Target was good, got some snacks for Javi as he was low, got him his breadsticks for lunch so he can go fed to his eye appointment. It started to rain a bit, but not enough for me to open my umberella-ella-ella hey! Anyway, went to fill up the tank at Costco but the line was crazy, went to another gas station filled up and now I am waiting for the gate to open to get Javi.
Picked him up and took him to his appointment,  he did well, but he will have to wear an eye patch for 2 hours a day for the next 3 months or so on his right eye, to help the left one get stronger. After the appointment I took him to get McDonald's and came home.
We headed out to my sister's house for a bit.

We came back home and hung out for a bit. Gabriel fell asleep in the car so I was able to get Javi changed and ready for bed first. When Gabriel woke up it was his turn to get changed, fed and put down. He went asleep in the crib for a few hours.  Right now I am feeding him and about to put him down and go to bed. The farewell tour continues tomorrow

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