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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Wrestlemania week Day 4: Say Hello to the Bad Guy

Gabriel woke up around 5:25 and was not wanting to go back down to sleep. I went to get ready, washed the bottles and got them ready for the day. When I was leaving I noticed that my wife and Gabriel were in the dark, sitting on the couch, she was trying to get him to go back to sleep. Hopefully he did.
The drive into work was good, found good parking. Now just waiting to get into work to clear up my tasks and get to my OT work. Today is the last day for me this week. I am off tomorrow, Javi will not be having the surgery. Due to his cough, we opted to wait another month just to be safe.
Let's see how today goes.
Started tasks a little late since I was talking to one of my co-workers. We had a very nice conversation and I was able to get to all my tasks.
Went out for lunch with Amilcar and Olga.

We ate at a place in San Francisco called Elmira. I had a pork sandwich,  it was good. After we came back and I had to be on the phones and also go to a meeting.
Had a good phone shift, there were some cases that some people dropped the ball on.  After that I walked to my car and headed home to get my wife and Gabriel to meet my mom, sister, myrna and Javi at Tanforan.

We got to Tanforan and went to the food court. I had a steak sandwich and cheese fries. After we hit up Target and came home. Put Gabriel to sleep and showered while starting the laundry. When I got out he was up again,  he was being fussy. Gave him another bottle and he went to sleep with my wife. I was waiting for the last load to finish so I can wash his last bottle to sanitize and I fell asleep on the couch for a bit.
Gabriel woke up again and for some odd reason my wife though I was trying to avoid going to the room. So she is mad at me. Right now I am in the living room putting Gabriel to sleep, about to go to the room in a bit. Let's see what tomorrow brings

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