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Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Bad Guy rides away...

Got up and got ready for what will probably be my last day as a 2905. I don't think I will be going in tomorrow. Washed bottles and sanitized them. Today is will be interesting,  since my mom has car trouble, I have to go pick her up and leave my car with her so she has a car to get the kids. I have to be in to work by 7:30 for a breakfast with cohort 12.
Breakfast was nice, we shared a few good moments and a nice laugh. I revealed my birthday to a few of them and they did not believe me, I found that really funny. I went to Costco to get formula and now waiting to go to lunch with Cynthia and Rebekah.

I had lunch at a Thai restaurant,  I had the Duck, it was delicious. I haven't had Duck in a while so I was looking  forward to it. We had a nice conversation and shared some laughs which is really a good thing. I truly appreciate this. After I attended my final Y460 unit meeting, it was quick and informative. Then at 3, is when they had the congratulations party for me. They had Tres Leche cake, mango pineapple cake, tiramisu cake, grapes and jello in Star Wars molds. A lot of people showed up and I really was taken aback by the people who showed up, I really don't like the attention, I just want to do my job and move on, but in the end, like I was told, it wasn't for me, it was for them to he able to say goodbye, since that doesn't happen too often. It was fun and I appreciated and enjoyed the moment.

Went to my brother's house and had dinner, fixed the link of his watch and we had to leave because my wife neede to be picked up by 7:10. I dropped my sister and nephew off at home and drove to get her. After we came home, right now putting Gabriel to sleep. Well it seems that he was not feeling the milk, he threw up and was fussy, I was finally able to get him to sleep. Now putting Javi to bed. So for the rest of the night I am going to reflect on the great day I had.

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