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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Cohort 12

So, I would like to take the time to share a quick story about some amazing people. Last year I helped out the OJT cohort 11 as a mentor. There was no real structure in the program, so me and the other lead decided to try and create a program where we can monitor the progression week by week by the OJT Eligibility workers. When that assignment ended I was asked to see if I would be able to implement the program to see if it worked out. So here is my experience with Cohort 12.
Before the project started I was given a run down of everyone that I would be helping, it was not the best report that I have heard. They told me that some were abrasive, didn't listen, were lost and not confident. I decided then and there that I would not hold someone else's perception of them to decide mine. 
I felt responsible for all 8 OJT EW's on this journey and I let them know that I would be there to help them and make sure everyone passed probation. Originally I had a group of 4 (Sandra, Cynthia, Janet and Aldo) and we were off and running. 4 weeks later due to circumstance beyond my control I officially adopted the rest (Maria, Rebekah, Wendy and Adriana). My work doubled, but I knew in the end it would be worth it.
I dedicated my whole work day to helping all 8 of them and even when I was not here, I still had them receive the support they needed. It was a pleasure to get to know them and to work with them. Towards the end of last year I was a bit burned out, not because of the project I was doing, but because of other factors and issues with the city regarding my parental leave and health care for my son. But this group injected a new life into me, they made me want to be a better eligibility worker and a better peer. So I decided that when I came back from my leave I would come back and do that. 
It took a few of them some time, but they all passed probation and they are all permanent employees. They put so much effort into what they did and they earned it all. 
I often told them that I feel that I really didn't do much for them, they were the ones fresh out of training and they just needed someone to make sure they didn't leave the building. They really have no clue on what they all did for me as a person and a peer. For that I am forever grateful. 
The lesson here is that we should not let the opinion of others dictate ours, when you meet someone be open minded and form your own opinions. Also, even when you are the mentor, you can (and should) learn from the people. 
Thank you for all you do and continue to do. 

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