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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Wrestlemania week Day 2: The Club - No one is safe

Gabriel did ok last night. Slept in the crib until about 3:15, tried putting him back to sleep and he didn't want to go down. I laid down in bed with him and he figured it out and fell asleep himself. He was still sleeping when I left. I got ready for work, washed and sanitized Gabriel's bottles and put some clothes to dry.
Headed off to work and the drive was good. Got my usual parking spot, now waiting for time to walk to work and do my OT. Today is Opening Day at home for the Giants, hopefully we will hear Tony Bennett sing I Left My Heart in San Francisco after a win.

So my desire to not announce anything about my new position was killed early on today by several people (who I didn't tell) congratulated me and others overheard and began asking questions. So I decided that it would be best to tell certain people as I felt that it would be best hlto hear it from me, not from anyone else. People are very happy for me and at the same time sad because of the potential change. Like I said before I hope I get to stay here, but I don't think that will happen.

The morning was good, almost all my previous tasks cleared, I had to have my supervisor update one for me. I was done with tasks around 10:30, watched psych, had some chips and took a walk. Right now I am hanging outside waiting to go back in for my phone shift. I hope it goes smooth as I would like to listen to a little bit of the Giants game.

Started my phone shift, it was slow today so that was good. I got an email about something they said I didn't sign,  but I had and my supervisor submitted it, but I just sent it in again. Giants game started against Seattle. They brought out several former Giants including Brian Wilson to throw out the first pitch. Some people were upset with that. Probably because how he handled himself when he was with the Dodgers yelling about his ring. But at the end of the day, he threw one of the most important pitches in franchise history and that was to strike out the last batter in the 2010 World Series.
The Giants lost the game and I was stuck in traffic.

Got home to pick up my wife and kids, we headed to Target to get some ground beef and bread sticks. After we went to ky sister's house and I helped her get my dads bag ready. We ate spaghetti and after we were done we came home. I put Gabriel to sleep and helped change Javi. Right now I am waiting for my sister to pass by picking me up to take my dad to the airport.
They got here close to 10 and now its 11:20 and I am finally home. Things are going to go back to normal schedule for some time and now off to bed.

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