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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Smackdown Live! After wrestlemania

Got up and got ready. Came into work. The drive was good. Found nice parking. Did my OT and now having coffee and about to go have some conversations and go down to get to work. It wasn't too cold today, there may be some rain at some point today or tomorrow. I got in to work and I was able to do my OT task. Tomorrow I have a lot of follow up to do. I still haven't heard from HR on when I will go fill out my paperwork for my new position. I think if I don't hear anything today I will email her tomorrow and see if there is any update. Less than two weeks away. 
For lunch I will be going out with Mimi and I think she said we were going to the food trucks. We will see what I get. I was able to complete all my tasks that were assigned today and now heading out for lunch. Phone shift later today.

I went to lunch with Mimi, we had Pad Thai, it was delicious. We had a good meal, we took a quick walk and we hung out in the patio for a hit talking about our kids. After lunch the phone shift began. I don't know if it's because these are my last few phone shifts but they have been filled with people saying some of the dumbest things and I have to sit there and check them. But anyway, I still provide great customer service and get the job done. 20 calls today. After I walked to my car and head home.

I got home and chilled for about 5 minutes and we were off to Target. It was a quick turnaround. When we got home we ate, my wife gave Javi a bath. Right now I am trying to put Gabriel to bed. Let's see how that goes. 
Watching Smackdown Live and it is a real good one. Going to finish this up and go to bed, work again tomorrow, have to deal with some cases.

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