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Monday, April 2, 2018

WresleMania Week : Down Since Day Oneish

We went to sleep early last night. Gabriel woke up around 1 I think, then my wife put him back to sleep. He was up and about to get fed when I was leaving for work. Javi doesn't have school today, hopefully everything goes well for both of them today. Today marks the start of Wrestlemania week, today I am wearing my Usos Down Since Day One-is shirt. I am here parked near work waiting to go in to do OT, hopefully today I get some good news.
I got in to work, my supervisor has the day off so I will be in charge again for my unit. I followed up on my previous weeks tasks and now I am working on my OT tasks. 
This morning task time went by quick, I was done by 10:15. I have to have my supervisor check one out as the previous worker did not properly do the task. There was some confusion regarding my phone shift, as one of the girls was out and they wanted me to fill in, but no one actually told me. So this afternoon I have to be on the ACA line, which is cool because the line is pretty much dead. To be honest I don't know what is going on over here with the line because the girl who was supposed to be out is here, but I'm going to log in and do what I am told.

So I got great news. I was offered the position of 2913 Program Specialist for SFBN CalFresh. I was so excited and what's even better is that I did this all on my own merit.I have worked so hard to be able to get where I needed to be and now I am here. My first official date is 4/23/2018. I'll be on the last pay step (5) but it is a big increase at a time where we could use it for sure. But as with everything, with the good, comes a bit of bad news. Looks like I will be moving on from here and going to my old building to report to my new supervisor. 
It will be a sad day for me to move on, but it's time to get up and go. Like I said the best thing here is that I had 2 offers for this position in different departments, the offers I received were based on me and my work. I didn't have anyone on the inside, none of my family members were friends with anyone in the program, no one and I mean no one can ever say that I didn't earn this and that I don't deserve it. I did it.

I came home and picked up my wife. Told her the good news, we both start out new positions on the same day. We went to babies r us to get a play pen. The sales still weren't there. After we got some coffee and went to my sister's house, we ate and helped her pack my dads bag. After we came home, bathed the boys. Right now Gabriel is going to bed and Javi is outside playing.
Gabriel woke up while I was filling out some paperwork for Javi's before/after school program, I came in and put him to sleep again, took a shower and watched some TV. I finished Raw and saw an episode of Pysch. 
Going to bed now, see you in the morning 

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