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Friday, April 27, 2018

The Greatest Royal Rumble

Gabriel woke up at 5, gave him a bottle and put him back down so I could sleep another 30 minutes. When I officially woke up, I started getting ready, put clothes to dry, washed and sanitized Gabriel's bottles and began the journey to go to work.
Today is the end of my first week as a 2913. Today is also WWE's The Greatest Royal Rumble. Going to see if I can catch some of it. Hopefully today will be a good day.
I got in and started looking over some things. I went with Amilcar to get coffee. It's a bit cold outside. The guy at Peet's gave me the regular coffee for free. We walked back to work and I checked in with a few people. 
Right now I am at my desk, reviewing training documents and watching The Greatest Royal Rumble. Later going to lunch with Amilcar, don't know where or to get what.

Took a break from watching #WWEGRR and we went to the food trucks. We had SeƱor Sigsig. I had the pork California burrito and a taco. After we ate we talked for a bit and went over to Costco to walk around. When we got back I was reviewing some power point presentations for possible upcoming trainings that I may help conduct. My supervisor informed us that he would be in meetings the rest of the day and said goodbye. 
I talked to a few people before leaving for the day. Walked to my car, rushed home to switch out the laundry and then head to meet my mom, sister and kids ar El Zocalo. My wife would meet us there after.

I got home with the boys and started to fold clothes, I switched out another load of clothes and gave both of them a bath. It is really hot in the house so I put on a short sleeve for Gabriel. Right now I am trying to put him to sleep and I still have one more load to go get downstairs.  My wife is still at the movies, I will shower when she gets here. She still has to go later to pick up her mom at the airport. Put both kids to bed, Gabriel woke up again and I had to put him down again. 
My wife came back from the airport. My mother in law made it back fine. Now going to bed. Got to get rest watching Infinity Wars tomorrow.

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