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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Wake up! It's the first of the month

Gabriel pretty much slept all night. I got up, made him a bottle and left it for him to drink. I got ready, put my lunch away and made my coffee and started the drive to work. The drive was good, slight traffic towards the end but nothing major. Got good parking and now waiting to walk to 1440 to start my day.
The morning went well. I updated the information I needed to update, chatted with Maria, Cynthia, Tima and Kathleen before meeting with Anuar before the MC forum meeting.
The forum was good, went a little longer than anticipated but it was good. Met with Karla to go over tomorrow's game plan.
Ate my sandwich and headed off to my desk.

Went to Peet's for an iced coffee and went to my desk to prepare a document and to get ready for the PM training. It went well, now we only have 4 more this week. After work I went home to get my wife and we picked up the kids and hit up target for diapers and formula. Now we are home.

My wife made spaghetti and meatballs, we had dinner. Gabriel was fighting sleep. I took a shower, got the bag ready for my mom tomorrow and finally was able to get Gabriel to sleep. Arnel passed by real quick to pick up a suitcase he wanted to borrow. After I fell asleep on the couch, later moved to the room.

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