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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Follow up

Got up, the kids were sleeping. Had to have my wife get Gabriel going since I had to get ready and give Javi his things since we had to go to his follow up appointment. Drop Gabriel off at daycare, drove to Santa Clara and make it 13 minutes before his appointment time. The doctor checked him out and said he was all good. After we drove back and went to Denny's for breakfast. Dropped some things off at the storage room. Went to Taget and came home.

Hung out with the kids. Gabriel went down for a nap. Javi practiced his letters and we played for a long time until my wife came home. When she got here we got the chair and table rental for Gabriel's first birthday party. After went back to the storage room and got my dads things and dropped them off at my sister's.

Passed by Subway to get my wife dinner, when we got home I made some French fries with Javi. He liked them. After we played for a bit, I put Gabriel to sleep and took a shower. Watched a bit of tv and later Javi ate and I brushed his teeth and off to bed he went. I stayed up to watch some tv and fell asleep on the couch,  but woke up quickly and went to the room.

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