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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

One minute before

Woke up around a minute before my alarm. Gabriel slept all night in his crib and I was able to sleep well. Got up, got dressed, put clothes to dry and started the drive to work. The drive was ok, I had to get off on Potrero since the freeway was a little backed up. Now parked and waiting to start the wall to work.
The morning went well. I did all the copying for both sessions today and one tomorrow. I am doing the PM training. Tomorrow I should be going to my desk at 1235 since I have to present at the forum meeting.

Went to look for lunch, ended up getting pizza at Costco. Going to start setting up for the 2 PM training.
The training went really well. We had a good group and most participated willingly. The groups at 1440 are more relaxed, they want the information so they pay attention but also they know they won't have to do the heavy lifting. After I joked around with Amilcar and Karla before going home.

We ended up going to Red Robins and after going to Baskin Robin's for ice cream. We came home, my wife gave Javi a shower. I changed and fed Gabriel and now he is sleeping. About to go make my lunch for tomorrow,  wash and sanitize bottles and after take a shower and watch Smackdown live.
Watched the show and caught the 9th inning of the Giants game. They walked off the Diamondbacks. After I made my lunch and went to bed.

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