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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Middle of the week

Gabriel did ok up until like 4:30 ish. He woke up for a bottle but it took him some time to go back to sleep. When I got up, I got dressed, washed the bottle he used, made coffee and started the drive to work. The drive was not too bad, I had to get off on Potrero and take it all the way to where I park and now I am waiting for time to start walking to work. Today I have the CF forum and a training at 1440.
The forum went well, my presentation was cut from the agenda. After I talked to my supervisor and started to walk over to 1440.

Ate lunch with Amilcar. Now going to go get ready for the next training today at 2 PM. Training went well I think. Monika started and in my opinion she did well, but the energy in the room was down. It probably was a combination of the training being after lunch, a stuffy room and the material. When it was my turn I had to go a little extra for them to wake them up. I was engaging with them, making them participate, doing my best impression of Karla and we were off. The training ended with a bang. After I talked to Karla for a bit and drove home.

My sister dropped off the boys. We had dinner and since Gabriel was acting up we figured he was tired so I put him to sleep early. Got out, washed and sanitized bottles,  had to head out to Safeway to get formula for Gabriel. Came home too a shower. Had a conversation with Javi because he is not happy with going to school, I was just reassuring him that he is smart and awesome and that it takes time to make friends. He has one in his class, he will make more, he is a great kid.
After we watched a show and about to go to bed.

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