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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Going to the lake

Got up early to get things ready for the trip to the lake in Livermore. Went out to get ice and a couple of snacks and put gas. Then drove up there. They told us only propane could be used so we had to ask some nice folks of we could use their propane grill and they said yes. We swam in the lake for a bit and chilled.

Still at the lake, it's windy and the boys are tired, drove home. Just getting in and about to go empty out the car. We all showered and got ready. We went to Olive Garden,  however Javi stayed home. Gabriel behaved well, well as well as he could. After we came home.

Got home. Gave Gabriel a bottle,  he didn't go down at first but after a bit he did. Javi was acting out again because of dinner. I had to make Javi go to sleep because he was playing around and it was getting late. About to change and go to sleep.

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