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Friday, August 24, 2018

End of the week

Gabriel is not a good sleeper. Again he got up and was acting strange. I put him in his crib and he went to sleep. Later he woke up again, same thing, but then now he wants to go to our bed. I think he fell asleep again before I left. I went to get ready and put clothes to dry. Made my coffee and drove to work. The drive was smooth.
Today we have 2 more trainings, the last at 1235 Mission. Next week we start at 1440 Harrison. I have to switch my time off request for next week and submit my time off for September.
The morning training went well, the group was fun. They had some questions that we were able to answer and some we had to save for later. We finished this one about 15 minutes early so we had time for a quick Q&A session before getting ready for the next one.
After I made some copies I headed out to the post office and got a money order to send out the payment for Javi's after school program for September.
I also was able to switch my time off for Gabriel's appointment and also sent out my request/reminder for time off for September and October.

Had lunch, played some Candy Crush. Kind of fell asleep for a bit. Now waiting for the next training. Last one of the day and of the week.
The second training went ok, it was one of the rougher ones. They just couldn't wrap their heads around the idea of consecutive months. After we wrapped up and got our assignment for next week. Training for me will be Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Got home, Gabriel was asleep so I put him in the crib. My wife got home and I took Javi out to play with chalk on the sidewalk. Gabriel woke up and we realized that Gabriel had no diapers, so I ran out to get some. Got home, changed him and fed him and put him to sleep. Took a shower and watched some TV including the Giants game. The Rangers tied the game up in the top of the 9th, if they got to extras, I'm going to bed.

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