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Monday, August 13, 2018

Beginning of a big week

Got up, got dressed and registered the boys for swim class. They start 9/15. For both classes it was $108. Takes up our Saturday mornings, but worth it for the kids. Today I am a little down, the weekend was not that good for me. I had fun at the Giants game, but at home it just wasn't fun.
My arm still hurts, my oldest continues to act rude and when I discipline him others interject which doesn't help. He continues to act like we beat him, I have never hit him, I only put him on time out and when he does anything now he flinches and cowers or he says 'don't hit me'. That is not only embarrassing when he does it in public, but it really hurts me that he sees me that way. My wife has been more concerned with what others think and want and has been mad at me for whatever reason for the last few days. It just hasn't been fun for me. Everyone gets to be understood or have a reason for something, I am not afforded that.
But we move on, the drive was smooth, it's cold. I brought some things to put on my desk to help me feel more at home. Not sure what this work week holds,  for sure I know I will be off on Wednesday to take Javi to his first day of Kindergarten.
The morning went well, I checked in with my supervisor and he had an assignment for me. He wanted me to review the power point presentations and create scenarios for a few examples.
He also asked me to go to a meeting with Karla. After that I hung out, had lunch and took off.

I went to Peet's for some coffee and walked over to 1440. I hung out and accompanied Amilcar and Karla to lunch. After we went to our meeting and gave feedback on the material. After I headed to my sister's house to pick up the kids. Hung out for a bit and came home.

Put some clothes to wash, changed Gabriel and had dinner. About to try and put him to sleep so I can pack a few things for tomorrow. He went to sleep, I took a shower and finished up laundry. Helped Javi with his bedtime routine and chilled for a bit. Gabriel woke up again so when my wife couldn't put him back down,  I went in and tried. It took a bit, but he fell asleep and so did I.

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