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Thursday, August 9, 2018


After we left SFO we went to my sister's house. We were going to do a quick wipe down for my Dad but unfortunately he was a little worse than anticipated, so I just decided to help him shower sp he could be refreshed. I personally, not only as a son, but as a person could not let him go down like that. So I had to do what I had to do. After I came come, about to shower to refresh myself and go to bed. Got to be up in a few hours.
Got up, got a bottle ready for Gabriel. Went to go get ready and started the drive to work. The drive was smooth and I found the last parking spot in the area I park. I am super tired, I am about to take a nap.
Got to work and checked in with my supervisor,  went to go get coffee and started getting ready for the first training. It went well, it was almost a full house, good group.
After I had a quick meeting with Monika and Karla about the trainings and the next round of ABAWD.

Went to lunch with Amilcar and Cynthia, had a sandwich that had chipotle mayo which was really spicy. We had a good lunch and some laughs. After we walked back to work. Soon I will help set up for the next training. The last one of the day and of the week.
The training went well. After I met again with Karla and Monika, we had a good conversation and laughed quite a bit. After I headed home to see if we were going to visit my dad.
Got home, got the kids ready and headed over to my sister's to see my dad. He wanted to go to Target but we were all tired and decided that we can go tomorrow. We had dinner and came home.

Got home, changed Gabriel and put him to  ed while watching some of the Niners game. About to go shower. Got out, hung out, fell asleep on the couch. Going to bed.

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