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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A lot to do...

Got up, made a bottle, got dressed and headed off to work. I have a few things to do today. Going to drop off a gift for Archer, have lunch with Tim and Kathleen and have to come up with scenarios for the training. Hopefully today goes by quickly.
The morning went well. I met with my supervisor to go over a scenario I did, he adjusted a few things and I fixed it. Sandra was surprised with the gift for Archer. I scheduled a meeting with Karla and Monika. But before I left I talked to My supervisor about the MC forum minutes he will be presenting now.

Walled over to pick up the food for Tim, Kathleen and myself. We had a good meal and good conversation. After we walked back go 1440. I stopped by to say hi to Maria and Cynthia. After I headed to my meeting. We went over the power point presentation and gave each other feedback, we will do it again on Thursday and present to management.
We also attended a pre forum meeting, that was, well...interesting, I'll leave it at that. When we were done I went to the car and drove home.

Got home, got the kids ready and we went to my sister's to pick them and my dad up and went over to eat at Chili's. After we went back to my sister's so I could change my dad and get him ready for bed. We are home now, just put Gabriel to sleep. About to wash and Sanitize bottles and take a shower.
After I showered I helped get some things ready for Javi for his first day at Kindergarten. He went to bed, I watched TV and now going to sleep. The Giants won! It's always good to #BeatLA

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