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Friday, August 3, 2018

The Happiest of Rusev Days!

Happy Rusev Day! Last day of training at 1235. Next week it's at 1440 and my Dad comes in next week. This morning was a bit tough, I really don't want to be at work. I want to sleep. But here I am. I got up, got dressed, made Gabriel a bottle and went on my way. The drive was good, parking was good.  Now waiting to walk to work.
The morning training was a packed house. Karla started and Monika ended. It was ok, she did well for her first time doing the 2nd portion.  Some good questions. We found out that there was a scheduling change for next week so I brought it to my supervisors attention.

Wandered around for a few blocks, hungry but not really into anything specific. I went to look and there was just really nothing that caught my eye. I got an iced coffee and I guess as of right now, no lunch.
The second training was good. While it was going on I went to speak to my supervisor for a bit. When I returned it was the 2nd half. After we hung out and talked about the training and gave each other tips for our techniques. After I started my journey to my car to go home. But first I stopped by trader Joe's.

Got home, put the items away. Went to JC Penney to take pictures and walked around the mall. I didn't eat dinner there, still haven't eaten. But I will soon. I need to get some things ready for tomorrow.  Right now putting Gabriel to bed.
He finally went down, it gave me time to pack some things up. Tomorrow morning I set up and go get ice while they sleep and we are off to hopefully have a great day.

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