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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Easy like Sunday morning

Got up, made breakfast for myself as apparently no one here likes anything I make. I fried up some tortillas, with eggs and onions. It was delicious. I also had a cup of coffee and played with the kids for a bit. Tried putting Gabriel to sleep but he did not want to so he is out and about. We might take Javi to swim later at my sister's, Gabriel will not go since he was coughing last night.

We were headed out to Hillsdale mall but made a detour to eat Sushi at Masu. After we headed to my sister's to go swim. My wife dropped me and the boys off and we got ready, just to have Javi act out on me again and when I said it was time to leave he turns around and starts having fun with my nephews. I just don't get it. Maybe I am a bad dad. People tell me I am not, but Javi sure makes me feel like I am not good to him. I don't mistreat him. I don't hit him, at most I yell at him and have conversations with him about what he did wrong and what he can do to get better, but this feeling sucks. I don't know what to do, this feeling hurts and it's only with me. With his mom she can do whatever but he never acts this way with her. So I am in my sister's house waiting, letting them have fun since apparently I am the problem.

We decided to go watch a movie. CrazybRixh Asains was the pick. We had heard a lot of good things about it. However, we felt it fell a little flat. It had it's good parts, but it lagged a lot. But we liked it,  but we probably wouldn't rush to see it again. After we made a quick stop at target then we picked up the kids. We drove to drop Myrna off at my brother's house and came home. My wife bathed Javi and I changed, fed and put Gabriel to sleep. About to go shave and shower and maybe watch some tv.

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