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Monday, April 30, 2018

Hit the ground running...

Gabriel was kicking and slapping me for about 30 minutes this morning, he was sleeping but moving. He finally settled his head on my shoulder and fully fell asleep. So I had to sneak out of there so he wouldn't wake up.
I got ready, washed a bottle, made coffee and headed off to work. Traffic was smooth and now I am waiting to go in. Hopefully this week my role will become clearer.
Got in, had some coffee, connected with a few folks. More reviewing and waiting.

Had my lunch, took a walk, went to Costco and went back in. I finally got word of what I will be doing first. I have to go to the forum meeting on Wednesday to talk about some Medi-Cal items. So that should be fun. Karla mentioned that I may be part of the unit meeting trainings so that should be good. If I am, I am considering lining up my beard to make a new debut, something they haven't seen in some time.
After that I drove home.

Put some clothes to wash, headed out to Target to get some snacks to donate to Javi's class. My wife bathed Gabriel. Now I will try to put him down. He didn't want to go down, so I left him in the crib again. It took some time but he fell asleep again on his own. Still doing laundry, already watched RAW and now waiting for the last load and may watch some tv. Tired so I may also try to sleep early. Not sure. Tomorrow is May 1st, so a 3rd of the year is gone. Countdown to my birthday is on.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Got up, made Javi toast. Balanced my check book and fed Gabriel some cereal. We hung out for a bit and I gave him a bottle. Cleaned up a bit, had some coffee and got his bag ready for the day. I took a shower after my wife did and we were ready to go out for lunch.

We went to the Outback Steakhouse for lunch. The service was not that great but it is what it is. After we went to serramonte for a bit and grabbed some milk at Target. We came back home bbn I took a quick 15 minute power nap. My wife and Javi are at the park m while I hang out here with Gabriel.

Giants won, we finished watching Anabelle: Creations. I gave Gabriel some green beans and Javi has some rice. My wife bathed Javi, I changed Gabriel and fed him, he doesn't want to sleep in the crib,  he wants to sleep on top of someone or on the bed and I am strongly against that because he has to learn to sleep in the crib.
I left him in the crib for a bit to see if he just tries to sleep. It took about 10 minutes but he stopped crying and fell asleep by himself. After that I took a shower and talked to my mom and now it's  bedtime.  Got to go to work tomorrow, should be a good week.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Infinity Wars

Gabriel was being rambunctious this morning. He was playing on the bed and having a good time. Javi went to his abuela's room to watch Paw Patrol. I was watching tv.
I cleaned Javi and our bed,  cleaned up the living room, had some coffee and took a shower. Right now we are getting Javi a hair cut. Everything is ready to go for the drop off and movie.
We got home, grabbed some things switched out some things between the car. We dropped of the kids and headed out to watch the movie.

The movie was good. It was an interesting direction they went in, but I enjoyed it. If felt like 2 to 3 different movies in 1. We had Kettle Corn popcorn, pizza and an ICEE. After the movie we got gas picked up the kids and started the drive to Pittsburg for Micaela's birthday party.
We are here and having a good time, Javi is playing around and Gabriel is enjoying the scenery. We ate, Javi won a game of musical chairs and hit the piñata.
After the cake we headed on the drive home.

The drive home was good. Light traffic so it was less than normal. We got home, i washed the bottles and my packages came, one from Amazon and the other from Loot crate the Slam Crate. I liked the contents of the box, however I was not thrilled with the shirt, I think they could have done way better with it. I did get it on time, so there is that.
Gabriel didn't want to go down to sleep, Jav wanted to play with h hi mm. But now we are all sleeping in the room.

Friday, April 27, 2018

The Greatest Royal Rumble

Gabriel woke up at 5, gave him a bottle and put him back down so I could sleep another 30 minutes. When I officially woke up, I started getting ready, put clothes to dry, washed and sanitized Gabriel's bottles and began the journey to go to work.
Today is the end of my first week as a 2913. Today is also WWE's The Greatest Royal Rumble. Going to see if I can catch some of it. Hopefully today will be a good day.
I got in and started looking over some things. I went with Amilcar to get coffee. It's a bit cold outside. The guy at Peet's gave me the regular coffee for free. We walked back to work and I checked in with a few people. 
Right now I am at my desk, reviewing training documents and watching The Greatest Royal Rumble. Later going to lunch with Amilcar, don't know where or to get what.

Took a break from watching #WWEGRR and we went to the food trucks. We had SeƱor Sigsig. I had the pork California burrito and a taco. After we ate we talked for a bit and went over to Costco to walk around. When we got back I was reviewing some power point presentations for possible upcoming trainings that I may help conduct. My supervisor informed us that he would be in meetings the rest of the day and said goodbye. 
I talked to a few people before leaving for the day. Walked to my car, rushed home to switch out the laundry and then head to meet my mom, sister and kids ar El Zocalo. My wife would meet us there after.

I got home with the boys and started to fold clothes, I switched out another load of clothes and gave both of them a bath. It is really hot in the house so I put on a short sleeve for Gabriel. Right now I am trying to put him to sleep and I still have one more load to go get downstairs.  My wife is still at the movies, I will shower when she gets here. She still has to go later to pick up her mom at the airport. Put both kids to bed, Gabriel woke up again and I had to put him down again. 
My wife came back from the airport. My mother in law made it back fine. Now going to bed. Got to get rest watching Infinity Wars tomorrow.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Get into the groove

I was woken up by Gabriel as he was slapping my arm and kicking me while he was trying to get comfortable, it was 4:55 am. I got up made a bottle and I went back to sleep. When I woke up at 5:45 he was sleeping as well.
I went to get ready and grabbed my things and off I went. The drive in to work was good, not too much traffic. I was able to get good parking and now waiting. Today should be fun, going to observe a presentation and I think a conference call later. Tonight we are going to the Museum of Ice Cream.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Regulators... mount up

Gabriel got up after 4, I fed him and put him back down. Woke up at 5:45 and started getting ready. I washed and sanitized Gabriel's bottles, game planning for later I may have to go to Costco to get toilet paper and before getting home to to Target to let laundry detergent, dishwashing soap, q-tips, milk and creamer. Maybe get some gas as well.
The drive in to work was good. Now just waiting to go in, I have a few questions that regarding the ABAWD trainings that I will send to my supervisor to see if he knows the answer.
I sent the email and it looks like we had the same understanding.  I was told to go to the forum meeting so I did that. It was fun.
After the meeting I went back downstairs to review some handouts.

I went to AK Subs with Cynthia, we had a good lunch and a good conversation. After that I went back in, reviewed more handouts and I was asked to go to a presentation at 1235 Mission tomorrow, so I will be doing that. Took a break and hung out, helped out some people and took off to get gas.

When I got home I took out the garbage and got the kids ready and we went to Costco. Got some much needed items and came home. Washed dishes and now I am hanging out.
Gabriel went to bed and I came back out, set up the bags for tomorrow and cleaned up a bit. About to go to bed, so sleepy

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Here's a little clue for you all.. the Walrus was Paul

After feeding Gabriel I put him in his crib, I thought I was doing a good thing so he can start adjusting to sleeping there and space for my wife and me to sleep comfortably. However, he woke up at 5:15 and was kind of falling asleep. I made him a bottle but it sounded like he was up when I left, so I have a feeling my wife will be upset with me because of that.
I got dressed, put clothes to dry and washed his bottle. Grabbed my lunch and headed to work. The drive was good, found parking. Today my new schedule starts. I have to finish reading the ABAWD materials to familiarize myself with the topic.
The morning went by quick, I reviewed all of the handouts and power point presentations, they were informative. Instill have a few questions for clarification, but for the most part I think I understand a majority of it.
This morning I did get some sad news, it seems my peer from cohort 11 may be leaving due to family issues. It made me feel really sad, I worked with her to get her through some pretty tough times and she put so much effort into her work and passed. I would really hate to see her go, but she needs to do what is best for her and I know she will be fine.

Helped a few people out with some cases while reading my things. I ate some lunch my aunt had sent to me. After that I reviewed a few things and I took a walk. The sun is out but there is wind. Today has been strange with certain cases, but we work them and move on. Today is going by fast and I'm off at 4:30.
So far getting from lunch and reading, reading and reading. I helped out a few people with cases and reviewed some things with them as well. Ready to go home.
I got home around 4:45, it felt glorious!

We went to get gas and pick up the kid's,  we ended up eating at in-n-out burger with my mom, sister and Dominic. After that we came home, I folded laundry while my wife bathed Gabriel. Right now I am putting him to sleep.
Well, he woke up and it took a long time to get him back to sleep. The Giants won, the Warriors won to advance to the 2nd round of the playoffs. Right now just finishing watching a show and going to bed.

Monday, April 23, 2018

In the air tonight

Didn't get a good night rest. That always happens the night before I have to do something big. I got up, got dressed, washed Gabriel's bottle, made him one before I left and drove to work for my first day in my new position. The drive in was good, I got good parking and now I am waiting to meet my new unit. I am still hoping that they will move us to the Medi-Cal building and not leave us there. But anyway, it's an exciting day as my wife is also starting her new position. Hopefully everything goes well for both of us.
Morning meeting was great. I was able to get my schedule changed to 7:30-4:30. It looks like for sure I will be at 1235 Mission st. I will be sitting there eventually. After that I came back to 1440 and was having to explain to folks why I was back here. There is a union meeting at lunch today.

Union meeting was the same as usual. Painting management in the most evil way. I get what they are saying but they may want to adjust the message. De-classification of the testing lists ja a bad thing, but the underlying problem of hiring managers and program managers being able to not only see this list, but to manipulate it continues. As always people love to talk when no one is listening, but today when given a chance they didn't show up. Anyway, off to lunch.
I went to get some Chinese food with Rebekah and Cynthia, the food was good. We had a nice conversation and I think it was a good time. I really enjoy their company, they get it.
After lunch I went in to read up on the ABAWD handbook and took some notes. It's a lot to read and to understand.

Got home picked up my wife. We headed out to Target real quick then to pick up the kids. Didn't have a good time at my sister's due to an argument but since some people cannot see or actually take responsibility for their words and actions, I just move on. Anyway, we got home, hung out. I gave Javi a quick shower and put little man to bed. I talked with my mom for a bit before heading to sleep.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The day/night before...

Me and Javi slept in. I was super tired and do was Javi. My wife got Gabriel and took him out. My mom woke up last. Today we have some things on the agenda. We are going to look at 2 houses and go to a  baptism reception. The morning consisted of getting ready, cleaning a bit and showing my mom how to get to Gabriel's day care.

We saw the first house. It was nice, the neighborhood not so much. The house was spacious and felt like a good place for us, the 2nd place was a condo, only my wife and Javi went in to see it since Gabriel fell asleep. After that we went to serramonte real quick and off to the baptism. The reception started late, but we had some fun. We ate, I played Mrs. PACMAN and we came home since Gabriel was acting out since he hadn't napped.

Gabriel fell asleep in the car, my wife was trying on her outfits for her new position that starts tomorrow. I have my clothes picked out for day 1, but I may switch up the pants. We'll see. Right now putting Gabriel to sleep.
He was a sleep for a bit before Javi went in and woke him up. So my wife put him in bed and he went to sleep. We switched out so she could shower. Now I am watching the Joel McHale show on Netflix. After this going to bed, new position starts tomorrow.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Saturday vibes

Got up and cleaned the bed. My wife has a dentist appointment at 9 so she headed out for that. Right now I am with the boys,  about to make a bottle for Gabriel.  Javi is watching the Cat in the Hat Halloween movie. After Gabriel's bottle, going to give Javi a shower. Busy day today. Cleaning, seeing a house and going out for dinner.

We saw the house,  it was nice, but too small for us. It was really, really small. Later we will see another and tomorrow another. Right now we are at Serramonte, I am with Gabriel waiting in line to get Javi some fried rice at Panda Express.
So I get the rice, drop it off to Javi and I go to try this new place called Thai Express. It took 45 minutes to get my food, just a thought if it takes that long to get food, you want to consider the 'Express' in your name.
After we went to Target and came home. My Mom came over and I went real quick with Javi to the park. When I got back we got ready to go to dinner.

Amilcar and Olga arrived and we headed out to Porterhouse to meet Arnel and Priscilla. We had a great meal and a great time talking and laughing. We had a blast as always. After we came back home and now we are getting ready for bed. We have some  things to do tomorrow.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Total Eclipse of the heart

My wife left before 7 to go drop off my mother in law to the airport. I got up at 7:10, went to the bathroom and got ready. Started making Javi his breakfast and a bottle for Gabriel. Javi started to get ready and I changed Gabriel and fed him, got him ready.  When both kids were ready to go, I took Gabriel to day care, as we left he looked at me with a look of betrayal that I left him there. After I drove Javi to school and now we are waiting for the gates to open.
Gates opened, dropped him off, he was good. He is happy to be at school. He enjoys it.
Took the day off to help out here with things, today officially the last day that I am a 2905. Start fresh on Monday as a 2913. Going to get some rest this morning and later going out to grab lunch with Amilcar.

I went to Target to get a few polo shirts and new plain shirts. I also found Javi a Giants jacket, I had been looking for this one for a long time. After I went to pick up Gabriel and headed down to Gaslamp Cafe to meet Amilcar and Olga for lunch. We had a good time and good food. After that I went to target again to get some frozen food for the house.
Me and Gabriel were home, while my wife and Javi were at Chuck E Cheese. I was folding clothes and hanging out with my little dude. Now we are about to get ready to go to Javi's talent show

We got to Javi's school and got seats. I dropped him off to his class and went back to the multi purpose room. When the show finally started the kids came out from the back of the room and were waving and went up to the stage until they got into position. He and his class sang 'Reach out and touch somebody's hand' and they did really well. It was really cute to see the effort they put into it.
After we went to Red Robin's had dinner and came back home. It was a long day, but fun.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Bad Guy rides away...

Got up and got ready for what will probably be my last day as a 2905. I don't think I will be going in tomorrow. Washed bottles and sanitized them. Today is will be interesting,  since my mom has car trouble, I have to go pick her up and leave my car with her so she has a car to get the kids. I have to be in to work by 7:30 for a breakfast with cohort 12.
Breakfast was nice, we shared a few good moments and a nice laugh. I revealed my birthday to a few of them and they did not believe me, I found that really funny. I went to Costco to get formula and now waiting to go to lunch with Cynthia and Rebekah.

I had lunch at a Thai restaurant,  I had the Duck, it was delicious. I haven't had Duck in a while so I was looking  forward to it. We had a nice conversation and shared some laughs which is really a good thing. I truly appreciate this. After I attended my final Y460 unit meeting, it was quick and informative. Then at 3, is when they had the congratulations party for me. They had Tres Leche cake, mango pineapple cake, tiramisu cake, grapes and jello in Star Wars molds. A lot of people showed up and I really was taken aback by the people who showed up, I really don't like the attention, I just want to do my job and move on, but in the end, like I was told, it wasn't for me, it was for them to he able to say goodbye, since that doesn't happen too often. It was fun and I appreciated and enjoyed the moment.

Went to my brother's house and had dinner, fixed the link of his watch and we had to leave because my wife neede to be picked up by 7:10. I dropped my sister and nephew off at home and drove to get her. After we came home, right now putting Gabriel to sleep. Well it seems that he was not feeling the milk, he threw up and was fussy, I was finally able to get him to sleep. Now putting Javi to bed. So for the rest of the night I am going to reflect on the great day I had.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Cohort 12

So, I would like to take the time to share a quick story about some amazing people. Last year I helped out the OJT cohort 11 as a mentor. There was no real structure in the program, so me and the other lead decided to try and create a program where we can monitor the progression week by week by the OJT Eligibility workers. When that assignment ended I was asked to see if I would be able to implement the program to see if it worked out. So here is my experience with Cohort 12.
Before the project started I was given a run down of everyone that I would be helping, it was not the best report that I have heard. They told me that some were abrasive, didn't listen, were lost and not confident. I decided then and there that I would not hold someone else's perception of them to decide mine. 
I felt responsible for all 8 OJT EW's on this journey and I let them know that I would be there to help them and make sure everyone passed probation. Originally I had a group of 4 (Sandra, Cynthia, Janet and Aldo) and we were off and running. 4 weeks later due to circumstance beyond my control I officially adopted the rest (Maria, Rebekah, Wendy and Adriana). My work doubled, but I knew in the end it would be worth it.
I dedicated my whole work day to helping all 8 of them and even when I was not here, I still had them receive the support they needed. It was a pleasure to get to know them and to work with them. Towards the end of last year I was a bit burned out, not because of the project I was doing, but because of other factors and issues with the city regarding my parental leave and health care for my son. But this group injected a new life into me, they made me want to be a better eligibility worker and a better peer. So I decided that when I came back from my leave I would come back and do that. 
It took a few of them some time, but they all passed probation and they are all permanent employees. They put so much effort into what they did and they earned it all. 
I often told them that I feel that I really didn't do much for them, they were the ones fresh out of training and they just needed someone to make sure they didn't leave the building. They really have no clue on what they all did for me as a person and a peer. For that I am forever grateful. 
The lesson here is that we should not let the opinion of others dictate ours, when you meet someone be open minded and form your own opinions. Also, even when you are the mentor, you can (and should) learn from the people. 
Thank you for all you do and continue to do. 

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide

Not a good night, I couldn't sleep and when I finally started to Gabriel woke up for a feeding. We went back to try and sleep around 1:30 and we both did. When I got up I went to get ready and washed the bottles and left them sanitizing. I made sure I had my box and bag and went on my way.
Today is my double star day at Starbucks,  so I stopped by for a coffee and a blueberry scone. The drive in was smooth, already parked. I will be going in at 7 so I can pack up more if my things. Depending on how much I get done today, I may take Friday off.
I got in and started to pack my things. I was able to get most of it in the box that I am taking home. Again I was able to throw out at least 3 boxes of papers that were just there in the confidential bin. I was able to get my supervisor to get me off tasks starting today so I can clear everything out. 
I went for coffee with Glenn and later going out with Tim and Kathleen for lunch. 

We went to try Vietnamese, but it was closed. So we went to the food trucks. Peruvian food was the best pick. I had a Lomo Saltado Burrito. We came back and I got on the phones. My supervisor Rudy came down and asked me to go with him, he did my last performance appraisal in this position. I got a 5 star review. I was really happy and proud of that. I stopped by to talk to Maria and Cynthia and now I am back on the phones. Have a little over an hour left to go. After here I am going home to get my wife and we are going to see a condo and then go get the kids at mys sister's house.  

I picked up my wife and we went to see the condo. It was nice, but it was all the way on the 3rd floor with no elevator, the 2nd bedroom was loft style and only a coin operated laundry site. So, although we liked it, it will not fit our needs. After we went to my sister's and picked up the kids, stopped by real quick to Babies R us and came home. My wife bathed Gabriel and I fed him and put him to bed... twice. I ate dinner and showered, now waiting for Javi to go to sleep, he keeps coughing. Tomorrow is a big day, going to try and pack up the rest of my things and bring some home and get the other ones ready for them to move for me. I have a scheduled breakfast in the morning with cohort 12 and lunch with Cynthia and Rebekah. It should be a fun day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Don't go chasing waterfalls

Got up and started getting ready. Washed and sanitized bottles, put the first load of clothes to dry and started out to drive to work. Today there was less traffic and I got to my parking location in a decent time. It is cold outside, now I am waiting for time to start heading into work. I hope they let me know where my new location will be. 
So I got my wish, I was told where I was going. However, it is not where I want to be. I am moving to 1235 Mission st. I did talk to my new supervisor to ask a few questions. He told me that he will instruct me by Friday where to report on Monday. I may have to stay here due to the ergonomic set up I have. They have to move it, before I can go.
Tasks were good this morning. I was able to get to them all. Today took a little longer than yesterday. But I was able to wrap up before 11 and I started to take some things down and give some things away. It's really hard, I feel really sad about the move, but it has to be done. 

My supervisor and those who showed up today from my unit took me out to lunch. We had Japanese food. I had a Chicken Teriyaki Bento box. It was good, we had a good lunch and we talked a bit and shared some laughs. We were given an extra 30 minutes to have lunch so my phone shift will only be 1:30-5. So far I am at 6 calls. So far, so good. My Mom called me that her car was having some issues, I was able to start her on the call to get roadside assistance. Hopefully they fix that car, it's been nothing but trouble for her. 
Phonea were ok, there was this lady screaming on the phone at me, so I had to check her. I am trying to help you, I don't need you yelling at me being all ignorant. Anyway the afternoon was met with sadness, I was giving away some of my figures and posters to some people who I thought would appreciate them. It was an emotional moment. But nonetheless,  we move on.

Got home, changed Gabriel and played with the kids for a bit. Right now I am going to try and put him down. After I need a hair cut and I need to descale my coffee machine. I was able to put Gabriel down and start cleaning out the coffee machine. When I was waiting for the 30 minutes to be up Gabriel woke up. His Abuela tried putting him back to sleep, I started cutting my hair. Shaved and took a shower. Right now I am finish watching wrestling and a show and going to bed.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Don't quote me boy cuz I ain't said shhhh...

Got up and started getting ready to go to work. Washed and sanitized bottles and started my drive. There was quite a bit of traffic, delayed my commute about 20 minutes. Luckily I found parking in the same area, only half day of work today, off at 12. Javi has an appointment at 2:30.
Tasks were super easy today. Just have to finish one off tomorrow due to the case being in archives status. I was done at 9:37. Taking off at 11:50.

Nice walk to the car, it had been raining but not any longer. The drive to Target was good, got some snacks for Javi as he was low, got him his breadsticks for lunch so he can go fed to his eye appointment. It started to rain a bit, but not enough for me to open my umberella-ella-ella hey! Anyway, went to fill up the tank at Costco but the line was crazy, went to another gas station filled up and now I am waiting for the gate to open to get Javi.
Picked him up and took him to his appointment,  he did well, but he will have to wear an eye patch for 2 hours a day for the next 3 months or so on his right eye, to help the left one get stronger. After the appointment I took him to get McDonald's and came home.
We headed out to my sister's house for a bit.

We came back home and hung out for a bit. Gabriel fell asleep in the car so I was able to get Javi changed and ready for bed first. When Gabriel woke up it was his turn to get changed, fed and put down. He went asleep in the crib for a few hours.  Right now I am feeding him and about to put him down and go to bed. The farewell tour continues tomorrow

Sunday, April 15, 2018

My arms are on fire

Got up around 7 and brought Gabriel out to the living room. We played for a while and I gave him cereal and a bottle soon after. Had a cup of coffee. My wife cleaned out the kids clothes and vacuumed the room, I vacuumed the living room and we cleaned up Javi's play room. I have a headache and want to sleep.

Did some comprehension practice with Javi and now going to shower. I felt sick when I got out of the shower. A little dizzy, maybe the vertigo has come back to mess with me. I decided to skip out on lunch at Chevy's and stay in to try and sleep it off.
I got a good 2 hours of sleep in, I felt a bit better. I helped my wife with bathing Gabriel and my sister came over to watch The Walking Dead.

After the show was over, my wife gave Javi a shower while I fed Gabriel a bottle and tried to put him to sleep. Holy heck with these kids. It took around an hour and a half to get Gabriel to go to sleep and Javi was crying because my wife didn't go to the room to sleep with them. But eventually they went down. About to go to sleep relatively early. No OT tomorrow, but it's my last week as a 2905 and I will finish strong. Hopefully they tell me where I am going to I know where my things are going.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Saturday the 14th

Not as scary as Friday the 13th, but just as odd. Got up, got Gabriel changed and fed him cereal. We all got ready to go to Great America. We took off around 9:15 and headed over. We rode a few rides before everyone else got there.

We had lunch and went back into the park. We got on a few other light rides and walked and walked and walked. We had funnel cake and other treats. Javi and Gabriel has a good time. When we left the park we sang Santi Happy Birthday  and drove home.

Had to lay on the floor to decompress my body.  My back was hurting and my feet were throbbing.  I took a shower and tried to put Gabriel down, but he did not co-operate with that. So as always my wife gave him what he wanted and that was to go to sleep in our bed and she went to bed at 8:30 with him.
I went to the living room and watched tv and fell asleep. Now going to bed

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday the 13th

Gabriel was up around 2:45 & I changed him and fed him. At 3 we went back to bed. I missed my first alarm, but heard my second one. I got a call and text from the SSF unified school district and apparently there was a threat made to 'your school'. It could be a hoax on this Friday the 13th, my wife is still thinking about whether or not it Javi is going to school.
Drove to work, found parking. Now waiting to go in to do my last OT tasks for this week. Hope today goes by quick here at work.
My tasks were good today. Quick, easy. I called HR and was finally able to officially sign my paperwork for my new position. So, so happy that I got to do that today.

Went to Costco for a beer brisket sandwich and a berry smoothie. Came back into work and watched Splitting Up Together. It was funny. Now I am on the phones, hoping that the time goes by quick. Want to get outta here and go home and chill.
Phones were ok, I had a few calls that lasted a long time and some calls that I wanted to hang up on the client for being a donkey.
After my phone shift walked briskly to the car and headed home.

Got home, picked up my wife and kids and took them to my sister's house. We had dinner reservations at Kincaid's. We ate a great meal, no dessert. After we picked up the kids and came home. I watched some tv, showered and went to bed. The weekend is finally here.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Rolling in the deep

Gabriel woke up around 2:35, I changed him and fed him. He went back to sleep. I couldn't sleep right away because my tummy was hurting. After I used the bathroom I was able to sleep. I got up at 5:45 to go get ready for work.
Before I left I washed the bottle he used and I made him a bottle for his next feeding. The drive to work was good, no traffic, smooth. Now I am parked waiting for time to go in to do my OT task. Hopefully today will be a good day all around.
Tasks were good today. Was able to get to them all. Miguel took us out for coffee. When I got back I was just chatting with a few folks. Ate my lunch and took a walk.

Right now hanging outside and about to go in. I have 30 minutes on the phones and a meeting at 1:30. Tomorrow is the last day for OT for me. Hopefully HR calls me back today.
No call from HR, but a good unit meeting and an ok phone shift. Had some calls from folks that just didn't do what they were supposed to do and some that the county EW failed them.
After work I drove home to pick up my wife and Gabriel to take them to Serramonte to pick up Javi and meet my mom and sister.

We ate at the food court. After we went to target and came home. I gave Javi a quick shower,  changed Gabriel, fed him and put him to bed. I had to start washing clothes. I took a shower and watched the Andre The Giant documentary, it was really good.
Now it's bed time, tomorrow is...Friday the 13th

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Heart of Glass

Gabriel woke up around 2:10, Ifed him and put him down in the crib around 2:30. He woke up again at 5 and I was able to get him to sleep again for a bit. I got up and went to get ready for work. When I was washing bottles and getting my things ready, my wife came out and asked me to make a bottle as little man was (as Matt Hardy is) Woken!
I made the bottle, grabbed my things and drove to work. The drive was good, now I am parked and waiting for time to go in to do my OT task. Hopefully I get word today of signing paperwork and where I will be reporting for my 1st day of my new position.
So it seems the HR person is not in the office,  will have to wait until she returns. I was able to complete all of my tasks around 11:25 am. They were good today, now I will eat my sandwich and chips and go for a walk. Phone shift starts at 1.

Walk was good. The Giants game will be starting soon. Phone shift began with 2 donkey's, did not know their case number or any other identifiers for their case, barely knew their home address. So they had to learn today! Overall there were quick calls and some calls that were long in the process. I even had time to process a task for someone, since the client needed services.
After work I headed to my sister's house to get the kids. The Giants lost. There was traffic, I got there hung out for a bit and when we came home it was pouring outside. Very dangerous and wet. But we made it home.

I bathed Gabriel and had Javi change. Gave Gabriel some cereal and a bottle, going to put him in the crib in a bit. Had some food, Gabriel woke up again, I put him back down. I took a shower, watched some tv and went to bed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Smackdown Live! After wrestlemania

Got up and got ready. Came into work. The drive was good. Found nice parking. Did my OT and now having coffee and about to go have some conversations and go down to get to work. It wasn't too cold today, there may be some rain at some point today or tomorrow. I got in to work and I was able to do my OT task. Tomorrow I have a lot of follow up to do. I still haven't heard from HR on when I will go fill out my paperwork for my new position. I think if I don't hear anything today I will email her tomorrow and see if there is any update. Less than two weeks away. 
For lunch I will be going out with Mimi and I think she said we were going to the food trucks. We will see what I get. I was able to complete all my tasks that were assigned today and now heading out for lunch. Phone shift later today.

I went to lunch with Mimi, we had Pad Thai, it was delicious. We had a good meal, we took a quick walk and we hung out in the patio for a hit talking about our kids. After lunch the phone shift began. I don't know if it's because these are my last few phone shifts but they have been filled with people saying some of the dumbest things and I have to sit there and check them. But anyway, I still provide great customer service and get the job done. 20 calls today. After I walked to my car and head home.

I got home and chilled for about 5 minutes and we were off to Target. It was a quick turnaround. When we got home we ate, my wife gave Javi a bath. Right now I am trying to put Gabriel to bed. Let's see how that goes. 
Watching Smackdown Live and it is a real good one. Going to finish this up and go to bed, work again tomorrow, have to deal with some cases.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Raw after Wrestlemania

Got up and went to get ready. Gabriel woke up, I noticed my wife started making the bottle, so I finished it up and took it to her. It's a bit cold out today. Didn't get good rest last night. The drive in to work was good, I found a good parking spot.
My knee is hurting a bit and hopefully it doesn't bother me much as I walk to work. I have OT today so I'll be going in soon.
OT tasks started off with a bang. I had to send one back as the previous worker did not do what was needed. I was able to clear out the tasks from last week. I stopped by upstairs to talk to a few people and at around 9 I started on my new tasks. I finished those up around 11:54 am and went to lunch. I had a cup of noodle soup and watched Psych. Decided to stay in because of my knee About to get on the phones in a bit. Hopefully they are quick and easy. 

So my phone shift was interesting.  Can't wait to be off of them in less than 2 weeks. I got around 23 calls. I wish I can say that everything went smooth, but there were some crazy issues floating around. I handled most of them, two were out of my hands as I don't make regulations and I don't work for Covered CA. But anyway, I left and drove to go pick up the kids at my sisters. Going to get home to wash some clothes and watch Raw.

The Raw after Wrestlemania was ok, there was some good moments. Watched that, did more laundry, played with Gabriel, had Javi walk on my back. Put Gabriel to sleep, but he woke up and it was a show. We tried to do some sleep training and he was just screaming his little head off. But he is sleeping now. Just finishing up watching some tv and going to bed after this last load of laundry

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Wrestlemania week day 7: Strong Style Has Arrived

It's the day that I have been waiting for all week. Wrestlemania 34 is here and it will be on later. This morning I took Gabriel out to play, made him cereal and a bottle. Javi woke up and he ate bread for breakfast and we watched Space Jam. He really liked the movie, he laughed quite a bit. After we got ready to go to my sister's to go swim.

We had Popeyes chicken for lunch and went swimming at my sister's place. We had fun and somehow ended up planning a weekend trip to Disneyland in June. You know we worked hard and we got new jobs so we deserve this little quick adventure. We came home 30 minutes before the main card of Wrestlemania began.

Not sure what is it but this year wrestlemania doesn't feel as exciting as years before. Asuka had her undefeated streak ended for no real reason, some matches have been a bit rough. Rosey did very well, AJ and Nakamura was fun.
So the show ended q d like I said, there was something missing from the show this year. The pace of the show felt wrong, the booking felt wrong, the main event seemed forced, I don't know. Maybe I am over thinking it, but there are a few other wrestling companies that are putting on great shows and I just feel that the WWE should have made Wrestlemania to be on par or better.
Oh well, have OT tomorrow. Going to bed

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Wrestlemania week day 6: Deadman walking

Woke up. Got Gabriel from his abuela, made him some cereal and Javi an egg which he did not eat. We got ready and headed to San Jose to the mall. We passed by Starbucks to get coffee but my wife ordered me the wrong drink with Chocolate on it and since I am not having that this year, it went to waste.

We got to the mall, split up. I got Javi a Orange Giants Jersey with his name and number. Didn't get one for Gabriel since it would be a waste as he is too little I think.
Right now we are about to eat at the food court.
We ate, I had a burger, it was eh. We started to drive back home but first we stopped at Rock and Jump so Javi could play for an hour. We had fun, he jumped in the pit 11 times and was bouncing very high. When we were done we came home.

NXT Takeover was already started when I got home, it is good so far. I am watching the main event while trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He went down, but like clockwork woke back up. We watched some tv and had dinner. Took a shower and rewatched the NXT ladder match. Really great effort by all involved. Also the Giants won on a walk off 3-run homerun by Andrew McCutchen and #BeatLA
Tomorrow is Wrestlemania

Friday, April 6, 2018

Wrestlemania week day 5: And that's the bottom line 'cause Stone Cold said so!

WWE Hall of fame is tonight. Woke up around 6:10, put Gabriel's clothes to dry. Went back to sleep. It's 7:30 and I am about to make him some cereal. We are meeting Arnel for breakfast at 9. So we got a schedule to keep up with.
I was able to fold Gabriel's laundry. I was hoping to be able to at least get Javi's clothes dried before leaving, but it was still drying.
It is raining, the drive was ok. We got to Cafe Boulevard and met Arnel. We had a nice chat and a nice breakfast. Now we are headed to the church to get information on Gabriel's baptism. I am in the car with the kids and my wife went in to talk to the priest .
Looks like everything is set for June 30th for the baptism. After we went to pick up a form in Redwood City and then to Toys R Us to get this little tricycle for Gabriel. Still not too many deals, but we may return at least one more time.

Came back home, folded the clothes. Ate lunch and just put Gabriel down to bed. I am listening to EandC Pod of Awesomeness with Edge, Christian, Matt and Jeff Hardy, it is very funny. This has me stoked for Wrestlemania weekend, it was Wonderful!
We watched Pitch Perfect 3 and it was a movie that should have not been made. Anyway, my wife and Javi went to see Sherlock Gnomes and I stayed home with Gabriel and watched the WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony.  It was good, some speeches were long and dry others were good.

My wife brought home food, tried to put Gabriel down to sleep but he was acting like a lunatic so my wife tried and he continued to act like a crazy person, so now his abuela is trying to get him to go to sleep. 
He went to sleep, but he is restless. He may be going through a growth spurt. Hopefully he rests well. Off to bed, NXT Takeover tomorrow.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Wrestlemania week Day 4: Say Hello to the Bad Guy

Gabriel woke up around 5:25 and was not wanting to go back down to sleep. I went to get ready, washed the bottles and got them ready for the day. When I was leaving I noticed that my wife and Gabriel were in the dark, sitting on the couch, she was trying to get him to go back to sleep. Hopefully he did.
The drive into work was good, found good parking. Now just waiting to get into work to clear up my tasks and get to my OT work. Today is the last day for me this week. I am off tomorrow, Javi will not be having the surgery. Due to his cough, we opted to wait another month just to be safe.
Let's see how today goes.
Started tasks a little late since I was talking to one of my co-workers. We had a very nice conversation and I was able to get to all my tasks.
Went out for lunch with Amilcar and Olga.

We ate at a place in San Francisco called Elmira. I had a pork sandwich,  it was good. After we came back and I had to be on the phones and also go to a meeting.
Had a good phone shift, there were some cases that some people dropped the ball on.  After that I walked to my car and headed home to get my wife and Gabriel to meet my mom, sister, myrna and Javi at Tanforan.

We got to Tanforan and went to the food court. I had a steak sandwich and cheese fries. After we hit up Target and came home. Put Gabriel to sleep and showered while starting the laundry. When I got out he was up again,  he was being fussy. Gave him another bottle and he went to sleep with my wife. I was waiting for the last load to finish so I can wash his last bottle to sanitize and I fell asleep on the couch for a bit.
Gabriel woke up again and for some odd reason my wife though I was trying to avoid going to the room. So she is mad at me. Right now I am in the living room putting Gabriel to sleep, about to go to the room in a bit. Let's see what tomorrow brings

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wrestlemania week Day 3: The Rated R Ssssuuuuupppppeeerrrrrssstttaarrrrr

Got up a few times during the night. Fed Gabriel and two trips to the restroom. Today it seems I will battle my stomach in a great war. I got up and got ready for work. Drive in was smooth, now parked and waiting to go. Let's see how the morning goes.
Morning was good, got to all my tasks. Was able to help a few people do some things. Interesting cases today, I was able to get all my work done early. Waited for lunch time while watching Psych.

Ate lunch went for a walk, got back on phones. 23 calls today, ranging for people who knew what they were talking about to people lying to me. But since I was not born yesterday,  they got denied. After her going to my brother's house to help build a table and chairs for Myrna.

Table, chairs and toy holder built. Grabbed the kids and drove home. About to take out the trash. Washed some dishes and now hanging out. Going to shower later and watch some tv.
I forgot to mention earlier that it will become official on Friday that cohort 12 will all have passed probation! The hard work they did should not be overlooked and they should be celebrated. I am so proud of what they did and how far they have come. I originally did not want to be part of a consecutive OJT mentorship program,  but o am so happy that I was. I learned so much from them and the experience. I even found a passion for working that I had lost for a bit, working became fun again. So happy for them.
Showered and watched some tv, now it's bed time. Last day of work for the week tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Wrestlemania week Day 2: The Club - No one is safe

Gabriel did ok last night. Slept in the crib until about 3:15, tried putting him back to sleep and he didn't want to go down. I laid down in bed with him and he figured it out and fell asleep himself. He was still sleeping when I left. I got ready for work, washed and sanitized Gabriel's bottles and put some clothes to dry.
Headed off to work and the drive was good. Got my usual parking spot, now waiting for time to walk to work and do my OT. Today is Opening Day at home for the Giants, hopefully we will hear Tony Bennett sing I Left My Heart in San Francisco after a win.

So my desire to not announce anything about my new position was killed early on today by several people (who I didn't tell) congratulated me and others overheard and began asking questions. So I decided that it would be best to tell certain people as I felt that it would be best hlto hear it from me, not from anyone else. People are very happy for me and at the same time sad because of the potential change. Like I said before I hope I get to stay here, but I don't think that will happen.

The morning was good, almost all my previous tasks cleared, I had to have my supervisor update one for me. I was done with tasks around 10:30, watched psych, had some chips and took a walk. Right now I am hanging outside waiting to go back in for my phone shift. I hope it goes smooth as I would like to listen to a little bit of the Giants game.

Started my phone shift, it was slow today so that was good. I got an email about something they said I didn't sign,  but I had and my supervisor submitted it, but I just sent it in again. Giants game started against Seattle. They brought out several former Giants including Brian Wilson to throw out the first pitch. Some people were upset with that. Probably because how he handled himself when he was with the Dodgers yelling about his ring. But at the end of the day, he threw one of the most important pitches in franchise history and that was to strike out the last batter in the 2010 World Series.
The Giants lost the game and I was stuck in traffic.

Got home to pick up my wife and kids, we headed to Target to get some ground beef and bread sticks. After we went to ky sister's house and I helped her get my dads bag ready. We ate spaghetti and after we were done we came home. I put Gabriel to sleep and helped change Javi. Right now I am waiting for my sister to pass by picking me up to take my dad to the airport.
They got here close to 10 and now its 11:20 and I am finally home. Things are going to go back to normal schedule for some time and now off to bed.

Monday, April 2, 2018

WresleMania Week : Down Since Day Oneish

We went to sleep early last night. Gabriel woke up around 1 I think, then my wife put him back to sleep. He was up and about to get fed when I was leaving for work. Javi doesn't have school today, hopefully everything goes well for both of them today. Today marks the start of Wrestlemania week, today I am wearing my Usos Down Since Day One-is shirt. I am here parked near work waiting to go in to do OT, hopefully today I get some good news.
I got in to work, my supervisor has the day off so I will be in charge again for my unit. I followed up on my previous weeks tasks and now I am working on my OT tasks. 
This morning task time went by quick, I was done by 10:15. I have to have my supervisor check one out as the previous worker did not properly do the task. There was some confusion regarding my phone shift, as one of the girls was out and they wanted me to fill in, but no one actually told me. So this afternoon I have to be on the ACA line, which is cool because the line is pretty much dead. To be honest I don't know what is going on over here with the line because the girl who was supposed to be out is here, but I'm going to log in and do what I am told.

So I got great news. I was offered the position of 2913 Program Specialist for SFBN CalFresh. I was so excited and what's even better is that I did this all on my own merit.I have worked so hard to be able to get where I needed to be and now I am here. My first official date is 4/23/2018. I'll be on the last pay step (5) but it is a big increase at a time where we could use it for sure. But as with everything, with the good, comes a bit of bad news. Looks like I will be moving on from here and going to my old building to report to my new supervisor. 
It will be a sad day for me to move on, but it's time to get up and go. Like I said the best thing here is that I had 2 offers for this position in different departments, the offers I received were based on me and my work. I didn't have anyone on the inside, none of my family members were friends with anyone in the program, no one and I mean no one can ever say that I didn't earn this and that I don't deserve it. I did it.

I came home and picked up my wife. Told her the good news, we both start out new positions on the same day. We went to babies r us to get a play pen. The sales still weren't there. After we got some coffee and went to my sister's house, we ate and helped her pack my dads bag. After we came home, bathed the boys. Right now Gabriel is going to bed and Javi is outside playing.
Gabriel woke up while I was filling out some paperwork for Javi's before/after school program, I came in and put him to sleep again, took a shower and watched some TV. I finished Raw and saw an episode of Pysch. 
Going to bed now, see you in the morning 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

April fools day

I really don't enjoy April fools day at all. When it falls on a work day I usually take the day off. It's all nonsense and people don't know what the limits are to a joke.  But anyway, last night Gabreil was fussy again, hot some sleep but not a lot. In the morning Javi and my wife decorated some Easter eggs and now we are getting ready to head out for brunch.
We made it to my sister's house for brunch. I gave my dad a shower since no one had given him one since I did on Friday. We ate and had to run back home to get the Easter baskets for the kids.

They did a mini Easter egg hunt and we hung out for some time. I will be hanging out here with my dad until my sister gets back. My mom will take my wife and the kids home. My Dad was asleep until like around 5, he wanted to come out and watch the Jesus movie on tv in the living room. We were watching it and I made him some food and when he got tired I put him in bed.

My sister got there around 7:45, we switched cars and I headed to Jack in the Box for some tacos. After I came home, ate and fed Gabriel a bottle. I am about to try and put him down for the night.
Spoiler alert! It didn't work out. I put him down and went to wash and sanitize the bottles and he was up and out in the living room. He has a new energy now. Right now his abuela is trying to put him to sleep, I am waiting to see if this will happen so I can get him and put him in the crib.
There is OT tomorrow, also have to get back on my meal plan and do more walking. Hopefully later this week or starting next week I can start up DDP Yoga again.
Have a good night world