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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Wake up it's the 1st of the month

It's March 1st, you know what that means... My leave is over, I have to return to work. I got up, got ready, washed the bottles. I made my coffee and went on my way. It's raining now so I had to be careful on the drive over. I found good parking and now I am waiting to go to HR to get cleared.
I hope today goes well, I am a bit sad as I won't be with the boys as much as I have been. But I sure did enjoy the 2 months off I had with them.
Got to the HR building and it was raining a bit, after filling out some paperwork I got cleared to come back to work. On the walk over it was raining hard, my umbrella broke so I only had my jacket to shield me from the rain.
I made it to work, checked in with my supervisor and went for. To clear up my desk. I was shown something that really irked me, they gave credit to only one person (the wrong person) for the work that I did with the last cohort. It is what it is, just plain BS. So, now if I do get another position in another building it will just be that easier for me to leave as they just shown they don't appreciate what I do.

Still here at work. About to head out to a meeting. Going to see if there were any changes to policies or procedures. Went to the meeting, nothing much has changed here, now I get to ride the rest of the day free. Tomorrow is when the real work begins.

I was going to pick up my wife and Gabriel to head over to my sister's house,  but she called me and told me Gabriel was sad and had a fever. I guess today was a bit much for him, he started day care and I was not with him for the day. I took a detour and went to pick up Javi and came home. Gabriel was happy to see me. I missed them both today, I got used to hanging out with them.
He was a bit fussy, but eventually I got him down. Going to shower and watch some tv. Last day of work tomorrow before the weekend, next week there is OT, going to take it as comp time so I can build my PTO.

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