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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Last Toys R Us run in San Mateo

Woke up, ate my nacatamale and had a cup of coffee. We got ready and I drove my wife and Javi to Sky high to meet a classmate. I dropped them off and I took Gabriel with me to Target, got a few things and went over to Toys R Us. It was a little sad, I get that the store is closing, but people should still have the respect for the store, the workers and for others. I may not buy an items, but someone else will. They should respect that.

Went to Sky high in Burlingame. Went in and waited for a bit to go. We went to get some food at Taco Bell and came over to hang out with my dad. After a bit my wife went to Babies R Us while I stayed with Gabriel and my dad. She came back and took him home, I stayed here with my dad waiting for my sister to get back.

Watching The Greatest Showman, so far it's really good. Finished watching the movie, I really enjoyed it. Of course the movie isn't 100% historically factual, but hey it was entertaining. I knew I wanted to watch it since I saw the preview for it last year. My sister came back with Javi, my wife came to pick us up. We came home and right now I am with gre Gabriel trying to get him to go back to sleep.
Watched some tv and was doing some online surfing. Now it's off to bed. Good night world

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