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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Back and forth

Gabriel work up ariuhnd 2:10 and I made him a bottle. Changed his diaper and fed him. Tried putting him back in his crib, but after 2 unsuccessful attempts, I thought F it and I took him to sleep in bed with us. My alarm went off at 5:45 and I went to get ready. I washed bottles, got my lunch ready and made my coffee. Before I left i saw my wife and wished her good luck with her interview today, I know she will do great. Right now I am in the car waiting for time for me to go do my OT and face a day that I may not want to be a part of. (More on that later)
Got to work and I was able to clear out the tasks that I already finished. Went upstairs for coffee and some conversations with some folks. I was asked to attend the Forum meeting since they we giving me a certificate for helping the last cohort, yeah the same one they devalued by giving it to the other person who did very little for the project. So I finished my tasks and went to the meeting. 
They gave me the certificate and I accepted it and told them I appreciated it but I requested that in the forum minutes they thank the EW's that had to work hard under the circumstances they were given.
After that I came downstairs, was talking to a few people. Have to prepare for my phone shift  that starts at 1. I checked in with Arnel to see how he was, he was said he was a bit hung over, but was good. So I was glad to hear that. 

Had lunch and  was watching Psych. I might run out for a walk in a bit just to get out of the office. Also I got word that Maria was told that she will be passing probation on or around 4/3/2018. That was the best news of the day here at work. 
I had 19 calls and most were good. Getting fully back into the swing of things. The lady from investigations unit called asking what my decision was. I was confused because she told me I had to make up my mind yesterday and she calls me today. Strange. After work picked up my wife and went to get the kids. 
We hit up target, I saw an old co worker and talked for a bit. 

My wife bathed the boys, I dressed them. Put Gabriel to sleep after playing a game with Javi. Talked with my wife for a bit about her interview and our day at work. Now I am watching some tv before bed. Going to rest up for my interview tomorrow.

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