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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Taco Tuesday

Got up and got ready, put some clothes to dry. Was in the car when my wife sent me a message to make a bottle. Came in real quick to make it. About to head out to work. It's wet outside so I have to be careful.
The drive in to work was interesting. It was raining and it always seems that when it rains, people forget how to drive. There was a bit of traffic so I go out at a different exit and went through the street to get to my usual parking spot.
Hopefully my supervisor will be in today. I have some cases I need him to review. I hope the tasks I get today go smoothly and that people are chill today.
Had a hiccup with one of the state systems today so that threw me off a bit. But I was able to catch up early and move along. Tasks were ok today, had to ask for advice on 2 of them but they were easy.

Ate a cup of noodles soup and took a walk over to the bank and to Peet's for an afternoon caramel macchiato. Getting mentally prepared for my phone shift. Yesterday it was 30 calls, let's see what today has in store.
I got 19 calls today and did some leg work on my OT tasks for tomorrow. They are return mail tasks, they should be quick. I got a call from the appeals unit supervisor, we talked about the interview and she said that I was her number one pick and that she liked my attitude and how I carried myself and thought I would be great for the position. Then she asked me if my reasons for declining to move forward were true and although I didn't think about it at the moment, later it hit me that it felt like she thought I may have been lying about my reasons. She said I had until tomorrow to see if I was still interested and that they would work with my flexibility issues, but then she calls 5 minutes later and says that she couldn't wait until tomorrow, it had to be today. So since that went down, still passing on it.
After work got home and hung out with my wife and kids. Right now I am putting Gabriel to sleep before I head out to arnels thing.

Amilcar came by and we took off to Arnel's house. We had fun, he had entertainment there for his mini bachelor party. It was, well, um, it was there. We paid for exclusive dances for him only. I kept leaving the room when she would start asking who's next like she was Goldberg. But anyway, Arnel fell asleep on the couch and we took off, have to work tomorrow and have to get up to feed Gabriel. Tomorrow should be am interesting day

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