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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Remember the time

Gabriel was a little fuzzy again, I think it was more gas this time than anything. I made a bottle for him and I washed and sanitized his other bottles. I started getting ready for work, dressed up today as I am only working half a day so I can go to city hall and see my friend get married.
Bit first I have to go in and clean up my tasks and update my time sheet for yesterday's absence. It's raining a bit, so hopefully that lets up soon.
Got my tasks done, well at least 4 of them. 2 have to be dealt with tomorrow. I went to Costco to get some things and then I ate lunch and waited for amilcar to pick me up.

Got in the car and went to pick up Olga and off to city hall for the wedding ceremony. It was nice the couple looked lovely, the moment was very special and I was happy to be a part of it. I couldn't go to the dinner as my boys are sick and also I need to get ready to go pick up my dad tonight.
Gabriel still has a stuffy nose, he is sleeping on me right now and I'm going to let him get some rest.
While he sleeps my mom and I are watching Jumanji.

Changed Gabriel and he decided to pee on himself. So I had to change him again. I took him to his Abuela and changed Javi, put some vapor rub on him. I cleaned out the humidifier and took out the trash. I made Gabriel some cereal and gave him a bottle. Right now I am trying to put him down. Later I have to go pick up my dad at SFO, his flight got delayed, so instead of a 9 pm pick up, it will be close to 11:40.
So here we are at the airport, 7 minutes to midnight. Hope to make this quick, I have to still drop my dad off, change him and head home to sleep for a bit until Gabriel wakes up for a bottle. Another early start for me.

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