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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Hit me with your best shot

Gabriel slept in his crib almost all night. He came into the bed around 5ish. I got up got ready, washed bottles and headed down to work. I found good parking and now I am waiting for time to go to work to get my OT done and start the day out strong. Today we will have a meeting, so that cuts my phone function by an hour, so that is cool. It looks like it may rain.
It was only a slight drizzle this morning,  got in and my work cleared. Just have to check a few of them tomorrow and the ones I do today clear on Monday. It's nice to settle back into a routine, but I sure miss being at home with the kids. I miss the laughter and craziness of them both in the afternoon.
Tasks were good, only got 4 today so that was a plus. Finished them up real quick and got to do my OT tasks. Waiting for lunch time

Had left over ribs and arroz ala Valenciana and it was delicious. Watched the last part of Psych and took a walk. I dropped my phone and it cracked. It's not too big of a crack so it's not that big of a deal. I got on the phones for 30 minutes before my meeting and back on after it. I got an email informing me that I was selected to continue in the process for the 2913 position, but I think I may have to pass on that. I need the flexibility to spend those precious moments with my family.
I had a few good calls today,  helped some folks out that were nice. I have to follow up on those cases on Monday. I think that they are trying to do something that involves me next Wednesday, a section manager and a few other people were trying to confirm if I was going to be in that day. Oh well, going h ome now.

Got home and saw Gabriel was asleep, I turned on some Netflix for Javi. Gabriel woke up while u was sorting laundry like the sorting hat at Hogsworth. I played with him and gave him cereal . Right now it's bottle time, going to try and put him in the crib again. We were discussing a possible trip to Universal Studios in July, going to ask for the time off now just in case.
Gabriel went down nicely, hopefully he stays in his crib until next bottle and goes back in the crib. Going to shower and watch some tv and go to bed. Tomorrow should be fun.

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