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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Party day

Got up and brought the kids out. We were playing for a bit. My wife came out and make breakfast for the boys. Took a shower and got the kids ready for my nieces birthday party.  Me and the kids are going in Batman gear, my wife is going in a Wonder Woman shirt. It's starting to rain, so that really sucks.

Stopped raining so that was cool. But it's pretty cold where we are. Everyone is having a good time. Tacos were being served. I ate a lot, Gabriel slept and Javi had a blast. Now getting some cake and probably leaving. So tired

Got home,  fed Gabriel some butternut squash and after I put him in his jumper I passed out for a bit.  My back is hurting,  lack of sleep got to me.  When I woke up,  we played a bit and I changed him to his pjs.
I was able to put him down but he woke up an hour later. I put him down again but now Javi won't go to sleep.
They both went down and my stomach started hurting. I think I ate too much today.  My back still hurts, I hope it feels better tomorrow.

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