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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sunday vibes

Holy he'll what a bad night. Gabriel is sick and he had a stuffy nose and he was being a real brat about it. Kept us up a majority of the night. My wife was frustrated and she was taking some of it out on me during the night time. She was able to finally put him down and around 6:30 or so, she have me Gabriel. I brought him out to the living room, hung out. I gave him some cereal and his Abuela gave him his bottle while I made Javi some pancakes and I had coffee.
When my wife woke up, I started taking out the rug and cleaning the windows and started a bit of the floors. My mother in law cleaned a portion of the floor, after my wife helped me move the coughs and put the rug in the living room.

My back was hurting due to the moving around the couches. I took a quick nap, woke up and ordered Chinese food. We ate, hung out and put Gabriel down for a bit. After he woke up we went to Target for some groceries.

Watched The Walking Dead and tried to put Gabriel down, but he was not having it. He wanted to be with his mama. Right now I am watching an episode of Psych before going to bed, but day tomorrow with my interview. Hopefully Gabriel will have a good night and we can get some rest.

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