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Monday, March 19, 2018

You're all I need

Last night for the first portion of the night my wife and I switched spots in bed due to Gabriel sleeping at an angle so he could breathe  better. He still is a bit sick, Javi was also having issues, throughout the day he seems fine, but as the night goes on his nose get stuffy and last night he was cranky due to mucus.
Woke up before my alarm and started to get ready. Looking around the house it still concerns me that my wife and Javi still don't pick up after themselves. About 90% of the tornado the living room is caused by laziness and apparently a phobia of throwing things in the garbage or putting things back where they belong.
But anyway, before I left I made Gabriel a bottle. It is really cold today. The drive to work was smooth. Now waiting for time to go do my OT tasks and have a training this morning.
Training was ok, but it was confusing at the same time. They need to figure a better way to get people to understand the material. I have suggested a few things  but they have not tried them.

Around 11:45 I started to walk to the car to come home. Took the afternoon off to watch Gabriel who has been sick. I was able to nap with him twice, feed him and play. My mom came over and dropped Javi off, she came with Myrna so they played for a bit.

My wife wanted a Big Mac so I went out to get some McDonald's. We ate, I did laundry, right now Gabriel is jumping, trying to burn his excess energy. Hopefully he actually sleeps tonight.
Watched Raw and the Ultimate Deletion and I did like it. While watching wrestling I am also starting the laundry. When it's done I am going to bed, I may or may not go to work tomorrow depending on how Gabriel does tonight.

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