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Thursday, March 29, 2018

It's here! It's Opening Day!

Today will be a good day, today is Opening day for my San Francisco Giants. They play in LA in that toilet bowl of a stadium. Today is a good day to #BeatLA.
Woke up and got ready, washed bottles and switched out my jacket to my Giants one. Today is not too cold, the drive in to work was good. Now just waiting to go in. There is no OT this week. But next week there is some and I will be doing it.
Morning was ok, got 4 tasks done before we went to the town hall meeting which was eh. Got back and was able to get half way through two tasks.

Went to Costco to get formula and a polish hot dog in honor of Opening day. The Giants play in LA later today. Phone shift was good, there were a couple of cases that were in need of some big time TLC so I was able to send them off to get fixed. Listened to some of the game on the walk to my car and on the drive home, it's good to have baseball back.

We went to eat at Chevy's, service was slow but food was good. Giants won 1-0, they #BeatLA which makes it a great day. After we came home. Javi is bathing and soon Gabriel will be going to bed.
Well it's 10:09 and I think Javi is finally going to sleep. He has been coughing which I don't understand. It's hot here, he hasn't had anything cold. I hope he gets rid of that cough by Monday.
Anyway, another night lost due to the kids not going to sleep. Well, let's see what happens tomorrow

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