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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Last day of training

Got up, still haven't has the dream I want to have. Got ready, put clothes to dry and headed over to Starbucks for coffee and a lemon loaf, it's double star day. The drive was good, found parking, now waiting. Today is our last 2 trainings at 1235. We don't know if tomorrow we go to 2 Gough or if this is our last ride. I hope it's the latter.
The morning training went well,  around 10 people, not too many questions and we got out in about an hour or so.

Had lunch, found out we are going to 2 Gough tomorrow for 2 trainings. My supervisor said we didn't have to come in to the building, just go there and we can leave when training is done. We have one more to go here and after that it's a wrap for 1235. Have to make a few more copies and when I get home load up the wireless mouse for tomorrow.
The training went as good as one can go. No one wanted to participate,  but they had to. We had 23 in the class. After I made copies and separated them and gave some to Humberto to take with him as we are meeting at 10 at 2 Gough.
After that I walked to the car and headed home. I fixed the dining room tables the leg came off and we went to Target.

Got back, made dinner and now putting Gabriel to bed. Very irritating day today. Some people are so selfish and don't care about others and they are hypocritical about it. So pissed, makes me not want to celebrate my birthday with anyone this year. Tired of people's bullsh*t. Anyway, about to watch some tv and go to bed.

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