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Friday, April 5, 2019

Wrestlemania week day #5

Got up, got dressed, wearing my Happy Rusev Day shirt today. Put clothes to dry and made my coffee and headed out to work. The drive was good, however it is raining now as I sit in my car. Going to start walking to work soon. Have a meeting and have to view 2 webinars today. 8 hours between me and the weekend.
Got in, sent my email out. Met with Cristobal and started to get my things ready for my part of the training. Hung out the rest of the time. The Giants have their home opener today, so I did my usual printing out of the score card so I can keep score.

Had lunch and soon going to get coffee. First pitch at 1:35 (depending on rain).
Kept score for as long as I could until I had to do some work, lasted around 5 innings. Headed home at around 4:10, listened to the last inning of the game. The Giants lost. Drove home, got everyone in the car and headed out to Red Lobster for dinner. After we came home.

Changed Gabriel and had Javi change. I washed the bottles, showered and then put Gabriel to bed. After Javi went to bed and I started watching some of NxT Takeover. Might watch another match or two and go to sleep, leave the rest for tomorrow.

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