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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Wrestlemania week day #4

Got up, dressed, made coffee and headed out. Wear the Seth Rollins shirt again. Headed out, traffic was light, now parked. Waiting to start walking to work.
Walked to work, got in and checked things out. I ended up doing my security awareness training to get that out of the way. About to have lunch and head out to Walgreens to get a soda or a monster.

Walked over to Walgreens and go a coke and some chocolate. Back to my desk, I was working on a few things and got a headache before our unit meeting. The meeting went ok, got my next few assignments. I will be going over some items with Cristobal about entering the SSI/SSP income. I have to also research a few things for next week's forum. After I walked to the car, came home, picked up my wife, went to Target and after picked up the kids.

Got home, had dinner and helped bathe both boys, put Gabriel to sleep, just washed Javi's teeth and he was off to bed. Now a shower and putting the last of the clothes to wash.
Done with ev everything. Fell asleep on the couch. Off to bed.

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