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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Another day closer to the weekend

Missed my first alarm. Woke up at 6. Made Gabriel a bottle and went to get dressed and made coffee and headed out to work. Traffic was smooth and glad I found parking  in my normal area. Let's see what happens today.
Got in and pretty much been doing nothing. Before lunch I have to print something out.

Printed out the thing, still not doing anything. Waiting for our unit meeting.
The meeting was about an hour, there are a lot of things that need to be done still, but we are kind of stuck. After walked to the car and drove to my sister's house to get the kids.
Got the boys and came home. It's super windy and cold. Played with the kids a bit and started laundry.

Got a call from the guy that helps my Dad. He said he had been trying to get a hold of my sister since my Dad is in the hospital and is doing bad. He wanted approval to have the ER send him to the ICU. I called my sister, no answer. Called Alexia and she did answer, I tried to 3 way to my Dad's number and nothing, it kept hanging up. I told them to call ASAP and apparently whatever they were doing was important at the moment because the guy called me back and I asked him to explain what was going on and I gave him permission to have the hospital do what they needed to do to help my Dad.
Being honest I am very upset. I got an text from Alexia's phone asking me to text the number, a number that should already be saved on her phone. I get it, Alexia doesn't care enough to call, but at least store the number,  especially after everything my Dad did for her.
I had called my mom and someone called her and she hung up on me. At that point I just didn't want to talk to anyone. It took 2 hours for me to finally answer a phone call.
It seems now that my Dad is in a comatose state, not responsive so far and depending on how he reacts to treatment he will be ok, if he doesn't react well, I no longer may have a Dad. I already lost one, don't know what I would do or how I would react to that news.
I am trying to mentally prepare myself for anything. But it's really hard. I talked to him yesterday and he thanked me for calling. I always try to call every day, most days we check in, some days due to the connection we don't get that chance.
I am about to go to sleep and I don't know what is going to happen while I sleep, I hope God looks over him and whatever happens next that God takes care of him.

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