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Monday, April 29, 2019

New week

Got up, got dressed. My stomach is hurting a bit. Made my coffee and headed out. The drive was ok, found parking and now waiting to start walking to work. 2 trainings today, 2 more tomorrow, hope they go well.
The morning training went well,  about 15 people in the class and now we are on break. Going to have lunch and I think I may get an iced coffee later.

Ate lunch, hung out a bit and went out for the iced coffee. Came back, typed up some thing and went to get ready for the PM training. It was less than am hour and wait went well. Still have 2 more to go tomorrow.
After I headed out to walk to the car and get the kids at my sister's house. Came home, started laundry, got the kids ready for swim class and off we went.
Swim class was good for both boys.

We went to get some Chinese food,  we had duck and Javi still likes it and eats it. After we bathed the boys quickly and put Gabriel to bed. I brushed Javi's teeth and showered and now I am hanging out watching tv before bed.

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