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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wrestlemania week day #3

I woke up at 4 in the morning and my stomach was hurting a lot. Used the bathroom and went back to bed. Woke up before my alarm,  not at 100%. My ear still feels hallow and I have to be careful with loud noises. Got dressed and drove to work. Traffic was smooth, found parking quick and now waiting for time to start walking. Starting at 1440 today, going to 2 Gough with Monika to do 2 trainings.
Since there is training today I cannot wear a wrestling shirt so I have my Red and Black nWo beanie.
Got to 1440, checked in and walked over to 2 Gough with Monika. The first training went well, besides a small hiccup with the audio for the Skype call in portion. About to go to lunch.

Had some Chinese food and came back to the training room. We are doing the 2nd training, our new unit member is doing my part so she can get one out of the way.
Training is done, walked to the car, drove home. Took the garbage out, changed my shirt to a Seth Rollins shirt and now picking up the kids at my sister's.
We got there and hung out a bit. After Dominic threw up we decided to leave. We came home and hung out for some time.

Finally got my Slam Crate and what a disappointment. Oh well, anyway played with the kids. Showered, watched some tv and talked to Arnel for a bit, he video chatted with me while holding Allix. After I headed to bed. Tired.

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